Author Unknown.
1. What is the meaning of the term "church" as used in the Bible?
A. According to the Greek word "ekklesia", from which we derive the English word "church", it means, "a called out assembly."
B. It is used in a general way to refer to any assembly that is called out for any purpose. This is illustrated in Acts 19:23-41. The "Ekklesia" is used three times, once in verse 32, "Some therefore cried one thing, and some another for the assembly (or ekklesia) was in confusion." Here the term is referring to an assembly of silversmiths and men of like occupation. See verse 25.It is used again in verse 39, "But if ye seek anything about other matters, it shall be settled in the regular assembly or ekklesia)." Here it refers to a Greek court of law. The third use is found in verse 41, "And when he had thus spoken, he dismissed the assembly (or ekklesia)." This refers to the same assembly as in verse 32. The general use is found again in Acts 7:38. "This is he that was in the church ekklesia) in the wilderness with the angel that spake to him in the mount Sinai, and with our fathers." It here refers to the assembly of the children of Israel, called out by God from Egypt.
C. Jesus takes this general term and applies it to a particular group or assembly, calling them His "ekklesia," or assembly, or "my church." This is found in Matthew 16:18. "Upon this rock I will build my church (or ekklesia)." He might have said literally, "I will call out my assembly."
2. Who are the members of the church in the Bible?
All persons who are saved. Salvation and church-membership are synonymous in the Bible. This is found to be true through reading Acts 2:47 ... "Praising God, and having favor with all the people.And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved." Thus we see that at the same time persons were saved, the Lord added them to the church. The text says that persons were saved daily, and that likewise every day these same persons were being added by the Lord to the church.
Compare Acts 5:14 with Ephesians 1:22-23 where the same truth is given.
3. Who were the first members of the church in the Bible?
The logical answer can only be one thing, and that is, "those persons who were first saved." In the book of Acts, the second chapter we have an account of the first persons in the world who were saved by the application of the blood of Christ to their sins (Acts 2:14-47). It is here that Christ first "called out" His assembly, which was composed of some three thousand souls. These persons were "called out: by Christ as He spoke through the gospel message delivered by the Apostles. These persons called out were "His assembly" or His church" in the truest sense, for they were purchased by His blood which had been shed but a few days before. No one could in the real sense of the word be Christ's possession before this time, for the purchase price was not given until Calvary.
Answering the question from logic: What or who makes up the church that Jesus promised?
Answer: Christians.
What is it that makes Christians?
Answer: The Gospel. Romans 1:16. "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation." I Corinthians 15:1-2a. "Now I make known unto you, brethren, the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye received, wherein also ye stand, by which also ye are saved."
What are the soul saving facts of the gospel, or "good news?"
Answer: The death, burial, and the resurrection of Christ. I Corinthians 15:3-4."For I delivered unto you first of all that which also I received: that Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures; and that He was buried; and that He hath been raised on the third day according to the scriptures."
When were these facts first preached?
Answer: On the first day of Pentecost in the city of Jerusalem, fifty days after they had been accomplished. Read Acts the second chapter.
What did these three thousand who responded to this message become?
Answer: The first Christians in the world.
Together as an assembly, what did these Christians form?
Answer: The church that Jesus promised in Matthew 16:18.
4. What was required to be saved, and to secure membership in the church in the Bible?
A. They heard the gospel. Acts 2:14-37. "Now when they heard this ..."
B.They believed the gospel. Acts 2:37b. "They were pricked in their hearts."
C. They were told to repent of sin. Acts 2:38a. "Repent."
D. All believers were to confess their faith. Romans 10:9-10. "With the heart man believeth unto righteousness, but with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
E. They were told to be baptized for the remission of their sins to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." (Acts 2:38.)
F. Upon their obedience to the steps just stated, they were saved, and together they made up the "ekklesia" or church Jesus had promised in Matthew 16:18.
5. What progress did the church in the Bible make following its origin?
Through persecution the church in Jerusalem scattered into many parts of the Roman Empire, but they "went everywhere preaching the word." (Acts 8:1_4). Congregations were formed in many cities of the Roman Empire. This was accomplished through missionary efforts of the Apostle Paul and others. The history of this progress can be read in the book of Acts.
6. Who is the head of the church in the Bible?
Christ is the head of the church, both universally and locally. In Ephesians 1:22-33 we find: "and he put all things in subjection under his feet, and gave him to be head over all things to the church, which is His Body, the fullness of Him that filleth all in all." Christ was given "all authority."
(Matthew 28:18). In all things to the church, "He was given the preeminence." (Colossians 1:18).
7. Who are the officers of the Church in the Bible?
A. Originally there were five officers: apostles, prophets, evangelists, elders, and deacons.(Ephesians 4:11) "and he gave some to be apostles and some prophets; and some evangelists; and some pastors and teachers." In Philippians 1:1 we have mention of the office of deacon. This is also found in I Timothy 3:3-13.
B. The first two offices, apostles and prophets, were but temporary offices. They were done away when the purposes for their formation were accomplished. This truth is established from two considerations: (1) From qualifications of these officers. Apostles: Acts 1:22-23. Luke 6:13.
Prophets: I Corinthians 12:10. (2) From the duties of the office. Apostles: Luke 24:46-48. Acts 1:8,22b; Matthew 16:19; Matthew 18:18. Prophets: I Corinthians 14:29-33; Ephesians 3:5; I Corinthians 13:8-10.
C. The other three offices of evangelist, elders, and deacons are the present divinely given permanent officers of the church in the Bible. These are all the offices that God gave for the direction of the church.God has not left the management of the church up to the wisdom and ingenuity of man, but has given us His plan through His word which furnishes us thoroughly unto every good work. II Timothy 3:16-17. Note: the terms "bishop" and "elder" refer to the same office. See Titus 1:5-7 and Acts 20:17-18. Note further: The work of the minister was done by an elder in the early church.
8. What type of government does the Church in the Bible employ?
The government is essentially congregational, but with the rule of elders in order to prevent confusion of action. The congregation is consulted whenever they as a whole are influenced or affected in any action to be taken; otherwise the rule of the elders is used to govern the body, their decisions being directed by the head of the church, Christ Jesus. Study carefully the following scriptures: Acts 6:1-6; 13:1-3; I Corinthians 5:4-5; II Corinthians 8:19; Acts 11:30; 20:17; 21:17-18.
9. How did the Church in the Bible express its worship?
By continuing steadfastly in "the Apostle's teaching, the fellowship, the breaking of bread, and the prayers." (Acts 2:42). By speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with their hearts to the Lord. Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16; Compare Acts 20:7;and Hebrews 10:25.
10. What about the unity of the Church in the Bible?
There is only "one" church described in the New Testament. Its oneness can be observed in the following words of description:
It is referred to as ONE body. (Ephesians 1:22-23 and I Corinthians 12:13); It is called ONE fold, or flock. (John 10:16); It is spoken of as "the kingdom" ONE kingdom. (Matthew 16:19); It is called "the way", ONE way. (Acts 9:2); It is called "God's building", ONE building. (I Corinthians 3:9);
It is called "a spiritual house), ONE house. (I Peter 2"5); It is called "My church", ONE church.-(Matthew 16:18); Any division of this body was condemned and corrected. (I Corinthians 1:10-13 and Romans 16:17-18).
11. What names were applied to the individuals, and to the Church?
A. There were various names given to the individual Christians, each of which had its own meaning.
Here are some of them: "Disciples", (Acts 6:1), which means "learners": "Saints", (Acts 9:13), which refers to the character of the Christians: "Brethren", (Acts 6:3), which refers to the relationship of the believers to oneanother: "Christians", (Acts 11:26), which points out our ownership, that is, "one of Christ's".
B. There were also numerous names applied to the collective body of the church. Here are some of them: "the church", (Acts 9:31): "church of God", (I Corinthians 1:2): "church of the first born",(Hebrews 12:23): "churches of Christ", (Romans 16:16): "churches of the saints", (I Corinthians 14:33).
Note: These names are all divinely given under the direction of the Holy Spirit. Therefore,as those who wish to obey God, we will employ the names He has given whenreferring to individuals or to the church.
12. What is the creed of the Church in the Bible?
Since the word "creed" means simply, "I believe", and since this belief is related directly to salvation, the creed of the New Testament church was found not in a form of words, but in a person, and that person Christ Jesus. "For in none other is there salvation." (Acts 4:12, also see II Timothy 1:12). When a man wanted to be saved, he was not asked to subscribe to any manmade set of beliefs. He was told that salvation would be found in Christ. (Acts 16:31). He was then instructed as to what to do to enter into Christ for salvation. (Acts 2:37-38; Galatians 3:27; Romans 6:1-4).
13. What memorials were observed by the Church in the Bible?
A. The Lord's Day, the first day of the week. This was the day set aside by Christ through His resurrection. (Luke 24:1-2; and John 20:26), On this day the church met together to express their worship to God through Jesus Christ. (Acts 20:7; Revelation 1:10; and Acts 2:42). The day of Pentecost was on the first day of the week.
B. The Lord's Supper. This institution was established by Jesus (Luke 22:19), to be participated in by all His children. (I Corinthians 10:16-17). It was given as a picture of the unity of God's people,(I Corinthians 10:17); a means of proclaiming the Lord's death, (I Corinthians 11:26); and as a means of sustaining life in Christians, (John 6:53-58, and I Corinthians 11:30).
14. What type of discipline is found in the Bible?
The only rule of faith and practice was found in the words as they now appear in the New Testament; words that were given through the Holy Spirit to the Apostles. The church was governed entirely by the words of the Lord which are said to furnish us "completely unto every good work", (II Timothy 3:16-17, and II Peter 1:3). God's directions for the management of the church were complete and final.
15. How was the Church in the Bible financed?
By tithes and offering of God's children.
A. Tithing is the plan of God for the support of His work. (I Corinthians 9:13-14). "Know ye not that they that minister about sacred things eat of the things of the temple, and they that wait upon the altar have their portion with the altar." This is speaking of the priests of the Old Testament who served in the temple and before the altar. Paul says they have their portion for their service,and that portion given to them by the people was the tithes and the offerings. Now Paul applies this teaching to ministers of the gospel, and he says, "Even so (or in the same manner) did the Lord ordain (or make a law) that they that proclaim the gospel should live of the gospel."
B. Malachi warns of the danger of robbing God. (Malachi 3:8-10). Jesus upholds the tithe. (Matthew 23:23).
C. Jesus raised every standard of the Old Testament. He never lowered a standard. (Matthew 5:20-22; 27:28; 43-44). Therefore, the tithe must be the minimum.
16. What were the purposes of the Church in the Bible?
A. To preach the gospel. (Mark 16:15; Acts 8:4). This was done by the evangelists and by each individual Christian publicly and from house to house. (Acts 20:20; 5:42; 11:12-15).
B. To make disciples. (Matthew 28:19a). That was to contact men and women and through the instruction of those persons to make them "learners of Jesus".
C. To baptize those persons who have come to a knowledge of their need of salvation and see in Jesus their saviour. (Matthew 28:19b).
D. To teach these same persons "all the words of this life." (Acts 5:20; Matthew 28:20).
E. These persons were to be gathered together into congregations, and to be committed unto faithful and able men in self governing, self supporting, and self extending churches. (II Timothy 2:2; Acts 13:1-4).
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Gary Snavely
Twee woorde is klaarblyklik verwar in die gedagtes vanChristene. YHulle is losmaak en verenig. Die van ons wat hierdie tweewoorde laat deurmekaar raak, kom tot `n einde met losmaking waneer onsmoet verenig - ons trek dinge van mekaar wat ons moes verbind het, enskeur dit af wat ons moet opbou. Somskeer was ons skuldig deur dieaanvoel ople van oneenheid, op ander tye het ons persoonlik die pyngevoel. Ek wens dit was nie waar nie, maar ek weet dit is.
Wat ek wil se omtrent eenheid is nie iets wat gebore isvan `n boek van `n biblioteek nie, liewer dit is gebrand in dievuurherd van verdriet, en afgekoel is deur die asemhaling van dieMeester se Gees. Ek neem aan dat tussen ons gemeentes `n uitstekendebesorg is vir ortodoksie, regte denke, maar `n slegte verwaarlosing van`"ortodoksie," die regte handeling. Eenheid het te doen met diesaambind van ons gedagtes en ons aksies, ons denke en gedrag, onswoorde en dade.
Die sukses van die werk wat God ons geroep het om tedoen, die lewensbelangrikheid van die lewe wat God ons geroep het om tedeel, en die redding van die wereld waartoe God ons geroep het almalhang af van hierdie eenheid.
Jesus het gebid; ``Ek bid nie vir hulle alleen nie,maar ook vir die wat deur hulle woord in My sal glo - dat almal een magwees net soos U, Vader, in My en Ek in U; datt hulle ook in Ons een magwees, sodat die wereld kan glo dat U My gestuur het.'' (John 17:20,21).
Jesus se gebed was `n pleit vir eenheid en ek dink nieSy pleit was nie geantwoord nie. In die tweede hoofstuk van Filippensehet ons `n ander pleit vir eenheid, hierdie keer van die ApostelPaulus. Hy spel dit vir ons uit watter deel ons speel in die antwoordvan Jesus se gebed vir eenheid.
Diemoontlikheid van eenheid _Bÿ Eerstens, die moontlikheid vir eenheidbestaan (2:1-4). Die moontlikheid van eenheid is nie `n droe hoop watgeblaas is in die woestyn van waanhoop nie. ``Maak my blydskapvolkome,'' se Paulus, ``deur eengesind te wees.'' Sou Paulus hulle ietsvra wat hulle nie kon wees nie? Of om iets te dink wat hulle nie kandink nie? Daarom, moes hulle word wat hulle alreeds is.
Hy skryf aan ``al die heiliges in Christus Jesus wat inFilippi is Hy bid dat hulle liefde nog meer oorvloediger moet word inkennis en all ervaring, om die dinge waar dit op aankom te ondersjei,sodat hulle rein en vir niemand `n aanstoot mag wees nie, tot op diedag van Christus.'' Omdat hulle heilige mense is moet hulle lewe soosheilige mense. In 1:27 se hy; ``Gedra julle waardig die evangelie vanChristus.'' Hulle is net soos Paulus, was nog nie volmaak nie maar hetvoorwaarts gestreef vir die wenpaal. Hulle moes hul gedagtes laat dwaalop die dinge wat Paulus noem (4:8). Eintlik se hy; (Wat) julle geleeren ontvang en gehoor en gesien het in my, doen hierdie dinge; en dieGod van vrede sal mett julle wees'' (4:9)
Terwyl die kerk in Filippi in baie maniere `n modelgemeente was, dit was nie sonder probleme nie. Sommige van die mensehet meer gekyk na hul eie behoeftes en minder na die ander s'n. Sommigehet meer eer vir hulself gehad as vir ander. Hulle het gemurmureer oorwat hulle moes doen, hulle het hieroor geargumenteer. Meeste van dithet gesenter op twee dames in die kerk, genoem Euodia en Sintiche. Byalle verskynings was daar verdeeldheid in die kerk
Maar ons moenie die werklikheid van die kerk oordeelnet deur die verskyning nie. Paulus het geweier om toe te laat datverskyning moet besluit wat moontlik is. Die moontlikheid van eenheidkan nie gevind word in die oppervlakkige kors van die Christelikeemosionele. Dit kan ook nie gevind word in streng formuliere, dogma, oflering. Die moontlikheid van eenheid word gevind in die onderleggingvan die werklikheid van die kerk. Dit word gevind in die dinge watalreeds daar is.
Paulus roep ons gedagtes op tot daardie onderleggendewerklikheid in verse 1-4. Let asseblief op vir die aparte sinsdele invers 1, dit begin almal met ``as'' - As daar dan enige troos inChristus is, as daar enige vertroosting van die liefde, as daar enigegemeenskap van die Gees, as daar enige innige tederheid en ontfermingis. Is daar sulke dinge? Ja, daar is-aanmoediging in Christus,vertroosting van liefde, gemeenskap van die Gees, innige tederheid enontferming. Hierdie is die onderleggende werklikheid wat ons eenheidmoontlik maak.
Vanaf verse 2-4, let op hoe hierdie vier werklikhedekorrespond vir hoe ons ons lewe leef. Omdat daar troos is in Christus,lewe saam in harmonie. Omdat daar vertroosting van liefde is, hetdieselfde liefde. Omdat daar gemeenskap is van die Gees, wees verenigin die Gees, bepaal met een doel. Omdat daar innige tederheid enontferming is, doen niks uit selfsug of ydele eer nie, maar innederigheid moet die een die ander hoer ag as homself. Julle moenieelkeen na sy eie belange omsien nie, maar elkeen ook na die ander s'n.
Die kerk as `n gemeente van die mense van God is `ngetuiende gemeenskap. Ons is vir `n rede in die wereld. Maar as alleswat die wereld sien verdeeldheid is, dan spreek ons teen onsself.Paulus se pleit is vir ons om terug te keer na daardie fondamentele vanons geloof wat sal ons geloofswaardigheid herstel in die wereld.
Die eenheid wat ons in Christus het is `n geestelike enorganiese eenheid. ``Die gemeenskap van die Gees'' hier in Filippenseis wat Paulus noem die ``eenheid van die Gees'' in Efesiers 4:3. C.F.D.Moule beskryf hierdie eenheid as ``die organiese harmonie wat gebringis deur die gees'' (The Origins of Christologyiÿ, p. 75).
Aan die Galasiers het Paulus gese; ``Want julle almalwat in Christus gedoop is, het julle met Christus beklee. Daar is niemeer Jood of Griek nie, daar is nie meer slaaf of vryman nie, daar isnie meer man en vrou nie; want julle is almal een in Christus Jesus''Galasiers 3:27-28).
Aan die Korinthiers het hy gese; ``Want ons is almalook deur een Gees gedoop tot een liggaam, of ons Jode of Grieke is,slawe of vrymanne; en ons is almal van een Gees deurdronge.'' (1 Kor.12:13).
Ek quoteer weer C.F.D. Moule: ``Die manier waarin diegees van God en Christus eenheid bring dit breek af in elke individuedie trots, die onvergeeflikheid, agterdog wat persone apart hou vanmekaar'' (p. 83).
Die gees bind ons saam met die toue wat nie kan gebreekword nie. Ons is saam gebind met die toue van aanmoediging, lyne vanvertroosende liefde, die tesamenheid van die Gees, en myle en myle vaninnige tederheid en ontferming. Hierdies is die knope wat ons harteverbind in Christelike liefde.
Diegebiedend vir eenheid - Oorweeg nou die gebiedenheid vir eenheid(5_11) Paulus begin; ``Want hierdie gesindheid moet in julle wees watook in Christus Jesus was.'' Ek hou van die manier hoe die IJerusalemBybelIÿ dit vertaal: ``In julle gedagte moet julle dieselfde wees netsoos Christus Jesus.''
Paulus se dat `n Christen kan nie `n Christen weessonder dit. Dit is nie opsioneel extra wat sommaar kan langs die padopgetel word. Dit is gebiedend dat dit op die manier moet wees. Vir `nfeit, daar is geen ander manier. Wat volg is die manier van Christus.As ons eis om Sy na-volgers te wees dan moet ons op hierdie manierwandel
Let op die verskil tussen Adam en Christus. Adam hetvasgegryp aan die gelykheid met God; Jesus het nie. Adam was opgeblasemet trots. Jesus het Homself ontledig. Adam het sy menslikheid verwerp;Jesus het Syne aangeneem. Adam was ongehoorsaam; Jesus was gehoorsaamtot die dood toe.
Argumente word onmiddelik gekanseleer wanneer iemandaanspraak maak op sterwe. Die was Jesus se gewillighheid om na diekruis te gaan om die magsdom en kragte te ontwapen. Sy dood het dieverdeeldheidsmuur afgebreek van vyandskap en maak `n een nuwe mens.
As Christus gesterf het, watter plek kan daar is virtweedrag? Wat se plek kan daar wees vir jaloesie? Wat se brommery kangehoor word? Wat se dispuuts kan behou word? Hoe kan ons toelaat virhierdie dinge om te begin as Christus gesterf het.
As ons hierdie dinge toelaat om `n vastrapplek te kryin die deur van ons gedagtes, deurboor ons nie die hart van Christusduisend keer oor met die pyniging van verdriet? Sal ons Sy dood beskaamvoor `n aanskouende wereld deur ons opinies op andere te vorseer-watdieselfde is as wat ons onsself op hulle vors. INodig ek om jou teonthou dat Christus het gesterf vir ons sondes, nie vir ons opinies nie.
Die gebiedenheid van eenheid verklaar dat ons moetdieselfde geda gte het as Christus Jesus. Daar is geen ander manier.``Die een wat sy lewe verloor terwille van die evangelie sal ditvind,'' se Jesus. Tensy ons verloen onsself en neem ons kruis op kanons nie volg nie.
Ek twyfel dat enige een dit kan verloen dat Jesushierdie geleer het, maar ek kan ook bereken dat almal van ons hetgevind dat ons lewens kom kort van hierdie dinge. Waarom is die doenvan dit so moeilik? Die skrywer van die boek Medelye verduidelik aanons dat dit moeilik is vir ons om God te begryp vir wat Hy regtig is.``Ons God,'' skryf hulle ``is `n dienaar God. Dit is moeilik vir ons omte begryp dat ons beperk is deur iemand wat kragteloos geword het, datons versterk word deur iemand wat swak geword het, dat ons nuwe hoopvind in iemand wat homself ontblood het van alle onderskeidings, en datons `n leier vind in iemand wat `n dienskneg geword het. Dit is bokantons intellektueel en emosionele begryp. Ons verwag vryheid van iemandwat nie `n gevangene is soos ons nie, en gesondheid vanaf iemand watnie siek is soos ons is nie.'' (p. 24).
Hy het geweet dat daar sal nooit `n transformering vanons gedrag kan wees nie, totdat daar `n transformering is van onsgedagtes. ``In julle gedagtes moet julle dieselfde wees soos ChristusJesus.'' Of soos hy geskryf het aan die Romeine, ``Moenie aan hierdiewereld gelykvormig is nie, maar word verander deur die vernuwing vanjulle gedagtes, dat julle kan weet wat die wil van God is, dit wat goedis en aanneemlik en volmaak.''
Vul jou gedagte met die gedagtes van God dan sal jy injou lewe wys die gedrag van God. Wanneer `n Christen dokter sy gedagtevul met die gedagte van Christus, hy of sy dan begin om medisyne tepraktiseer met die gesonsmakende liefde van God. Waneer `n Christenbouer sy gedagte opvul met die gedagte van Christus dan begin hy om syChristelikheid in die huis te sit wat hy bou. Wanneer `n Christenatleet begin om sy gedagtes te vul met die gedagtes van Christus, dansit hy `n voorbeeld vir almal om te sien.
Dit is gebiedend dat ons die gedagte van Christus moethet. Soos Dean Walker eens geskryf het: ``Soos `n mens dink, so is hy.Soos hy is, so doen hy.'' (Die gebied van Aanbid,Iÿ `n boodskap watgelewer is by die Internasionale Konfensie, 1935).
Dienoodsaaklikheid van eenheid - Bÿ Die derde element is dienoodsaaklikheid van eenheid (v. 12-18). Paulus se, ``Werk julle eieheil uit met vrees en bewing.'' Neem hierdie onderliggendewerklikheide; neem die gedagte van Christus wat lei na nederigheid engehoorsaamheid en lewe dit, doen dit, werk dit uit. Want dit is God``wat in julle werk om te wil sowel as om te werk na sy welbehae.''
T.W. Manson in his book, Die Dienaar Messias, hetgese,``Christene erf nie hulle taak vanaf Christus nie, hulle deel ditmet Hom. Ons is nie die opvolgers van Christus nie, maar symetgeselle.'' Hy gaan aan om te se dat, ``Solank as die wereld aanhoumoet daar in die wereld `n organisme wees wat waarlik reagerend is aandie mosies en die aandrang van Christus se gedagte en hart en wil, `norganisme kompleet onderhandelbaar in die uitdra van Sy Doel.'' (p. 98).
In elke geslag moet ons onthou dat die uitwerking vanons werk hang af van ons eenheid. Soos die Seneca hoof gese het aan `nwit sendeling in Massachusetts baie jare gelede: ``As daar maar eengodsdiens is, waarom verskil julle witmense so baie omtrent dit?''(Thomas Campbell, Die Deklarasie en Adres, p. 108).
Gary Snavely
Twee woorde is klaarblyklik verwar in die gedagtes vanChristene. YHulle is losmaak en verenig. Die van ons wat hierdie tweewoorde laat deurmekaar raak, kom tot `n einde met losmaking waneer onsmoet verenig - ons trek dinge van mekaar wat ons moes verbind het, enskeur dit af wat ons moet opbou. Somskeer was ons skuldig deur dieaanvoel ople van oneenheid, op ander tye het ons persoonlik die pyngevoel. Ek wens dit was nie waar nie, maar ek weet dit is.
Wat ek wil se omtrent eenheid is nie iets wat gebore isvan `n boek van `n biblioteek nie, liewer dit is gebrand in dievuurherd van verdriet, en afgekoel is deur die asemhaling van dieMeester se Gees. Ek neem aan dat tussen ons gemeentes `n uitstekendebesorg is vir ortodoksie, regte denke, maar `n slegte verwaarlosing van`"ortodoksie," die regte handeling. Eenheid het te doen met diesaambind van ons gedagtes en ons aksies, ons denke en gedrag, onswoorde en dade.
Die sukses van die werk wat God ons geroep het om tedoen, die lewensbelangrikheid van die lewe wat God ons geroep het om tedeel, en die redding van die wereld waartoe God ons geroep het almalhang af van hierdie eenheid.
Jesus het gebid; ``Ek bid nie vir hulle alleen nie,maar ook vir die wat deur hulle woord in My sal glo - dat almal een magwees net soos U, Vader, in My en Ek in U; datt hulle ook in Ons een magwees, sodat die wereld kan glo dat U My gestuur het.'' (John 17:20,21).
Jesus se gebed was `n pleit vir eenheid en ek dink nieSy pleit was nie geantwoord nie. In die tweede hoofstuk van Filippensehet ons `n ander pleit vir eenheid, hierdie keer van die ApostelPaulus. Hy spel dit vir ons uit watter deel ons speel in die antwoordvan Jesus se gebed vir eenheid.
Diemoontlikheid van eenheid _Bÿ Eerstens, die moontlikheid vir eenheidbestaan (2:1-4). Die moontlikheid van eenheid is nie `n droe hoop watgeblaas is in die woestyn van waanhoop nie. ``Maak my blydskapvolkome,'' se Paulus, ``deur eengesind te wees.'' Sou Paulus hulle ietsvra wat hulle nie kon wees nie? Of om iets te dink wat hulle nie kandink nie? Daarom, moes hulle word wat hulle alreeds is.
Hy skryf aan ``al die heiliges in Christus Jesus wat inFilippi is Hy bid dat hulle liefde nog meer oorvloediger moet word inkennis en all ervaring, om die dinge waar dit op aankom te ondersjei,sodat hulle rein en vir niemand `n aanstoot mag wees nie, tot op diedag van Christus.'' Omdat hulle heilige mense is moet hulle lewe soosheilige mense. In 1:27 se hy; ``Gedra julle waardig die evangelie vanChristus.'' Hulle is net soos Paulus, was nog nie volmaak nie maar hetvoorwaarts gestreef vir die wenpaal. Hulle moes hul gedagtes laat dwaalop die dinge wat Paulus noem (4:8). Eintlik se hy; (Wat) julle geleeren ontvang en gehoor en gesien het in my, doen hierdie dinge; en dieGod van vrede sal mett julle wees'' (4:9)
Terwyl die kerk in Filippi in baie maniere `n modelgemeente was, dit was nie sonder probleme nie. Sommige van die mensehet meer gekyk na hul eie behoeftes en minder na die ander s'n. Sommigehet meer eer vir hulself gehad as vir ander. Hulle het gemurmureer oorwat hulle moes doen, hulle het hieroor geargumenteer. Meeste van dithet gesenter op twee dames in die kerk, genoem Euodia en Sintiche. Byalle verskynings was daar verdeeldheid in die kerk
Maar ons moenie die werklikheid van die kerk oordeelnet deur die verskyning nie. Paulus het geweier om toe te laat datverskyning moet besluit wat moontlik is. Die moontlikheid van eenheidkan nie gevind word in die oppervlakkige kors van die Christelikeemosionele. Dit kan ook nie gevind word in streng formuliere, dogma, oflering. Die moontlikheid van eenheid word gevind in die onderleggingvan die werklikheid van die kerk. Dit word gevind in die dinge watalreeds daar is.
Paulus roep ons gedagtes op tot daardie onderleggendewerklikheid in verse 1-4. Let asseblief op vir die aparte sinsdele invers 1, dit begin almal met ``as'' - As daar dan enige troos inChristus is, as daar enige vertroosting van die liefde, as daar enigegemeenskap van die Gees, as daar enige innige tederheid en ontfermingis. Is daar sulke dinge? Ja, daar is-aanmoediging in Christus,vertroosting van liefde, gemeenskap van die Gees, innige tederheid enontferming. Hierdie is die onderleggende werklikheid wat ons eenheidmoontlik maak.
Vanaf verse 2-4, let op hoe hierdie vier werklikhedekorrespond vir hoe ons ons lewe leef. Omdat daar troos is in Christus,lewe saam in harmonie. Omdat daar vertroosting van liefde is, hetdieselfde liefde. Omdat daar gemeenskap is van die Gees, wees verenigin die Gees, bepaal met een doel. Omdat daar innige tederheid enontferming is, doen niks uit selfsug of ydele eer nie, maar innederigheid moet die een die ander hoer ag as homself. Julle moenieelkeen na sy eie belange omsien nie, maar elkeen ook na die ander s'n.
Die kerk as `n gemeente van die mense van God is `ngetuiende gemeenskap. Ons is vir `n rede in die wereld. Maar as alleswat die wereld sien verdeeldheid is, dan spreek ons teen onsself.Paulus se pleit is vir ons om terug te keer na daardie fondamentele vanons geloof wat sal ons geloofswaardigheid herstel in die wereld.
Die eenheid wat ons in Christus het is `n geestelike enorganiese eenheid. ``Die gemeenskap van die Gees'' hier in Filippenseis wat Paulus noem die ``eenheid van die Gees'' in Efesiers 4:3. C.F.D.Moule beskryf hierdie eenheid as ``die organiese harmonie wat gebringis deur die gees'' (The Origins of Christologyiÿ, p. 75).
Aan die Galasiers het Paulus gese; ``Want julle almalwat in Christus gedoop is, het julle met Christus beklee. Daar is niemeer Jood of Griek nie, daar is nie meer slaaf of vryman nie, daar isnie meer man en vrou nie; want julle is almal een in Christus Jesus''Galasiers 3:27-28).
Aan die Korinthiers het hy gese; ``Want ons is almalook deur een Gees gedoop tot een liggaam, of ons Jode of Grieke is,slawe of vrymanne; en ons is almal van een Gees deurdronge.'' (1 Kor.12:13).
Ek quoteer weer C.F.D. Moule: ``Die manier waarin diegees van God en Christus eenheid bring dit breek af in elke individuedie trots, die onvergeeflikheid, agterdog wat persone apart hou vanmekaar'' (p. 83).
Die gees bind ons saam met die toue wat nie kan gebreekword nie. Ons is saam gebind met die toue van aanmoediging, lyne vanvertroosende liefde, die tesamenheid van die Gees, en myle en myle vaninnige tederheid en ontferming. Hierdies is die knope wat ons harteverbind in Christelike liefde.
Diegebiedend vir eenheid - Oorweeg nou die gebiedenheid vir eenheid(5_11) Paulus begin; ``Want hierdie gesindheid moet in julle wees watook in Christus Jesus was.'' Ek hou van die manier hoe die IJerusalemBybelIÿ dit vertaal: ``In julle gedagte moet julle dieselfde wees netsoos Christus Jesus.''
Paulus se dat `n Christen kan nie `n Christen weessonder dit. Dit is nie opsioneel extra wat sommaar kan langs die padopgetel word. Dit is gebiedend dat dit op die manier moet wees. Vir `nfeit, daar is geen ander manier. Wat volg is die manier van Christus.As ons eis om Sy na-volgers te wees dan moet ons op hierdie manierwandel
Let op die verskil tussen Adam en Christus. Adam hetvasgegryp aan die gelykheid met God; Jesus het nie. Adam was opgeblasemet trots. Jesus het Homself ontledig. Adam het sy menslikheid verwerp;Jesus het Syne aangeneem. Adam was ongehoorsaam; Jesus was gehoorsaamtot die dood toe.
Argumente word onmiddelik gekanseleer wanneer iemandaanspraak maak op sterwe. Die was Jesus se gewillighheid om na diekruis te gaan om die magsdom en kragte te ontwapen. Sy dood het dieverdeeldheidsmuur afgebreek van vyandskap en maak `n een nuwe mens.
As Christus gesterf het, watter plek kan daar is virtweedrag? Wat se plek kan daar wees vir jaloesie? Wat se brommery kangehoor word? Wat se dispuuts kan behou word? Hoe kan ons toelaat virhierdie dinge om te begin as Christus gesterf het.
As ons hierdie dinge toelaat om `n vastrapplek te kryin die deur van ons gedagtes, deurboor ons nie die hart van Christusduisend keer oor met die pyniging van verdriet? Sal ons Sy dood beskaamvoor `n aanskouende wereld deur ons opinies op andere te vorseer-watdieselfde is as wat ons onsself op hulle vors. INodig ek om jou teonthou dat Christus het gesterf vir ons sondes, nie vir ons opinies nie.
Die gebiedenheid van eenheid verklaar dat ons moetdieselfde geda gte het as Christus Jesus. Daar is geen ander manier.``Die een wat sy lewe verloor terwille van die evangelie sal ditvind,'' se Jesus. Tensy ons verloen onsself en neem ons kruis op kanons nie volg nie.
Ek twyfel dat enige een dit kan verloen dat Jesushierdie geleer het, maar ek kan ook bereken dat almal van ons hetgevind dat ons lewens kom kort van hierdie dinge. Waarom is die doenvan dit so moeilik? Die skrywer van die boek Medelye verduidelik aanons dat dit moeilik is vir ons om God te begryp vir wat Hy regtig is.``Ons God,'' skryf hulle ``is `n dienaar God. Dit is moeilik vir ons omte begryp dat ons beperk is deur iemand wat kragteloos geword het, datons versterk word deur iemand wat swak geword het, dat ons nuwe hoopvind in iemand wat homself ontblood het van alle onderskeidings, en datons `n leier vind in iemand wat `n dienskneg geword het. Dit is bokantons intellektueel en emosionele begryp. Ons verwag vryheid van iemandwat nie `n gevangene is soos ons nie, en gesondheid vanaf iemand watnie siek is soos ons is nie.'' (p. 24).
Hy het geweet dat daar sal nooit `n transformering vanons gedrag kan wees nie, totdat daar `n transformering is van onsgedagtes. ``In julle gedagtes moet julle dieselfde wees soos ChristusJesus.'' Of soos hy geskryf het aan die Romeine, ``Moenie aan hierdiewereld gelykvormig is nie, maar word verander deur die vernuwing vanjulle gedagtes, dat julle kan weet wat die wil van God is, dit wat goedis en aanneemlik en volmaak.''
Vul jou gedagte met die gedagtes van God dan sal jy injou lewe wys die gedrag van God. Wanneer `n Christen dokter sy gedagtevul met die gedagte van Christus, hy of sy dan begin om medisyne tepraktiseer met die gesonsmakende liefde van God. Waneer `n Christenbouer sy gedagte opvul met die gedagte van Christus dan begin hy om syChristelikheid in die huis te sit wat hy bou. Wanneer `n Christenatleet begin om sy gedagtes te vul met die gedagtes van Christus, dansit hy `n voorbeeld vir almal om te sien.
Dit is gebiedend dat ons die gedagte van Christus moethet. Soos Dean Walker eens geskryf het: ``Soos `n mens dink, so is hy.Soos hy is, so doen hy.'' (Die gebied van Aanbid,Iÿ `n boodskap watgelewer is by die Internasionale Konfensie, 1935).
Dienoodsaaklikheid van eenheid - Bÿ Die derde element is dienoodsaaklikheid van eenheid (v. 12-18). Paulus se, ``Werk julle eieheil uit met vrees en bewing.'' Neem hierdie onderliggendewerklikheide; neem die gedagte van Christus wat lei na nederigheid engehoorsaamheid en lewe dit, doen dit, werk dit uit. Want dit is God``wat in julle werk om te wil sowel as om te werk na sy welbehae.''
T.W. Manson in his book, Die Dienaar Messias, hetgese,``Christene erf nie hulle taak vanaf Christus nie, hulle deel ditmet Hom. Ons is nie die opvolgers van Christus nie, maar symetgeselle.'' Hy gaan aan om te se dat, ``Solank as die wereld aanhoumoet daar in die wereld `n organisme wees wat waarlik reagerend is aandie mosies en die aandrang van Christus se gedagte en hart en wil, `norganisme kompleet onderhandelbaar in die uitdra van Sy Doel.'' (p. 98).
In elke geslag moet ons onthou dat die uitwerking vanons werk hang af van ons eenheid. Soos die Seneca hoof gese het aan `nwit sendeling in Massachusetts baie jare gelede: ``As daar maar eengodsdiens is, waarom verskil julle witmense so baie omtrent dit?''(Thomas Campbell, Die Deklarasie en Adres, p. 108).
Gordon Bennett
Een van die eenvoudigste dinge wat Jesus betuig het was Sy will inverband gelowiges se doop. Hy het dit so belangrik beskou dat hyduidelik noem in die opdrag waarin Hy Sy dissipels beveel om dieevangelie te verkondig aan die wëreld. Die mag is vir een is diemag vir die ander. Hierdie is die Here se woorde soos aangeteken inMatt. 28:18_20. "En Jesus het nader gekom en met hulle gespreek engesê: Aan My is gegee alle mag in die hemel en op die aarde. Gaan danheen, maak dissipels van al die nasies, en doop hulle in die naam vandie Vader en die Seun en die Heilige Gees; en leer hulle om alles teonderhou wat ek julle beveel het. En kyk, ek ie met julle; all die daetot aan die voleinding van die wêreld."
Die apostels wie gehoor het die Here spreek hierdie woorde, en anderpersone wie deur hulle geleer was het die Here geglo deur Sy woord.Hulle het nie moeilikheid gevind om te verstaan wat die Here gemeen hetnie. Die boek van Handelinge verwys na die praktiese manier hulle diebetekenis van die opdrag vertaal het. Hulle het voort gegaan soosboodskapers van die kruis, en, wanneer siele na Christus gekeer het,hierdie boodskapers het gesorg dat die bekeerders gedoop was.
Daar is niks om aan te dui dat hulle in die vryheid met doop konklaar kom nie in enige geval. Ook nie in die spesiale omstandighede vanSaulus se bekering. (Hand. 9:1-22; Hand. 22:1-21) die doop was nieveronagsaam nie. En die Here antwoord hom; "Staan op en gaan na diestad, en dit sal jou gesê word wat jy moet doen." (Hand. 9:6).
Jesus kon daar en danself met Saulus gespreek het, maar Hy het nie. Daar was iets wat Jesusaan Saulus gesê het om te doen. Saulus was gelei na die stad vanDamaskus, en die Here het 'n seker dissipel genaam AnanNas gestuur wie aan Saulus gesê het, "En nou waarom versuimjy? Staan op, laat jou doop en jou sondes afwas; terwyl jy die naam vandie Here aanroep." (Handelinge 22:16).
Hoe het Saulus hierdie opdrag behandel? Hy "het opgestaan en wasgedoop." Hy het geen verskoning gehad om die doop te ontwyk nie. In elkgeval het hy nie 'n verskoning gesoek nie, maar het gesoek om die wilvan die Here te leer en te doen.
Dit is nie verbasend dat so baie mense wie getuig dat hulle die Herelief het verskoning soek om hulle self te weerhou van die dinge wat GodPaulus beveel het om te doen. Ek sal 'n paar van hierdie verskoningsopnoem en uitwys hoe eenvoudig dit in verband staan met God's woord.
(1) "Dit maak nie saak of ons gedoop is ot nk, dit maak geen verskilnie by ons nie."
Deur te sê dit maak nie saak of ons God gehoorsaam of nie, is omChristus se woord ongeldig, on betekenisvol. Dit bedoel dat Jesus mensevra om dinge te doen wat nie saak maak nie maar is onbruikbaar ofnutteloos. Dit maak saak by Christus, dit is waar om Hy dit beveel het.Om tesê dat "die doop nie saak maak nie" is om God se verstand tebeledig, en Sy mag in die wind slaan.
As Christen doop niesaak maak nie, waarom het Paulus twaalf manne van Efese wie gedoopwas volgens die betekening van Johannes se doop beveel het om weer tedoop?
(2) "Ek is gedoop met die Heilig Gees dus het ek nie water doopnodig nie."
Dit was die Heilige Gees deur Jesus wat die opdrag in verband diedoop gegee het. Van Jesus sê die woord: "God het nie die Heilige Geesby mate aan Hom gegee." Jesus het gesê: "Hierdie woorde wat Ek spreekis nie myne nie, maar die Vader sin wat my gestuur het. Dus sal dieHeilige Gees nie enig eimand lei om 'n belediging te gooi op water doop.
Cornelius (Handelinge 10) het die doop van die Heilige Gees ontvanghet; en dieselfde Heilige Gees het deur Petrus gespreek, en gesê:"Niemand kan tog die water weer, dat hierdie mense, wat net soos onsdie Heilige Gees ontvang het; nie gedoop word nie?
Hier weer het ons die Heilige Gees wat die doop beveel. Petrusverwys na die doop van die Heilige Gees as 'n rede vir water doop. Ditis die Vader se wil. Ons bid: "U wil geskied soos in die hemel netsoook op die aarde," en nog sê: "Ek het nie water doop nodig nie? WAAROMVERSUIM U?
(3) "Water kan nie my sondes afwas nie, so daar is geer kragdaarin."
Dit is waar, maar Ghristus het die reg om Sy eie uitdrukking testaaf. As ons moedswillig bedank om gedoop te word, hoe kan ons sê onssonde is afgewas? Ons moedswillige bedanking om Sy wil te doen issonde. "Hy wat weet om goed te doen en nie doen nie is sonde."
Die krag is nie in die water, maar die aksie van gehoorsaamheidwaarna Christus verlang. Dit was Jesus wat gesê het: "Hy wat my nielief het nie bewaar nie my gebooie nie."
(4) "Doop is net 'n vorm, en ons word nie denr vorm en seremoniesgered nie."
Dis waar lee vorms en seremonies van mense versinsels sal ‘n mensnie red nie. Dit is ook waar dat as ons glo aan ‘n skriftelike formsoos gelowiges se doop (in dompeling) as nie in Christus wat ditaanbeveeling nie, ons sal nie gered word nie.
"Ons is gered deur genade deur geloof," en geredde geloof worduitgedruk deur gehoorsaamheid aan die wil van God. "Ons is gered deurgeloof alleenlik, maar nie deur geloof wat alleen is nie." Netso is ookdie geloof, as dit geen werke het nie, in sigself dood: (Jak. 2:17 sienook vers 14). Dié geloof kan hom tog nie red nie? Die woord van Godleer duidelik dat Jesus "'n bewerker van ewige saligheid vir almal watHom gehoorsaam het." (Hebeërs 5:9).
Doop is die uiterlike uitdrukking van onse geloof in Christus, endie feite van die evangelie in verband sy dood, begrafnis enopstanding. Doop is die Goddelike vasgestelde daad, waarin ons bely datons Jesus aangetrek het, dat ons saam met Hom die sonde afgesterf heten opgestaan saam met Hom om in 'n nuwe lewe te wandel. "Omdat jullesaam met Hom begrawe is in die doop; waarin julle ook saam opgewek isdeur die geloof in die werking van God wat Hom uit die dode opgewekhet." (Kol. 2:12). Doop sonder geloof is van geen betekenis. Ditvoldoen aan die vereiste van God van 'n persoon wat gedoop is want ditis 'n uitdrukking van geloof.
(5) "Doop is maar net 'n opdrag."
Om so van die doop te praat is om Christus te beledig, en so woordoneer. Kan enige iets meer belangrik is vir 'n gelowige navolger vanChristus as die opdrag van die Here Jesus? Onthou, dit was "maar net 'nopdrag" van God wat Adam en Eva nie na geluister het nie, en die wêreldwas in sonde gedompel en die dood was die gevolg van daardieongehoorsaamheid. Het jy daarin gedink wat die moontlike gevolg van jouongehoorsaamheid aan die opdrag van Christus? WAAROM VERSUIM U?
(6) "Ek is al jare ‘n Christen, so ek het nie nodig om gedoop teword nie."
Jy is reeds die een wat veronderstel is om gedoop te word. As jy 'ngelowige is, dan is jy veronderstel om gedoop te word, want die doop isvir gelowiges. Die doop volg die aanneming van Christelike lering.Jesus het aan sy dissepels gesê om te "LEER" dan "DOOP".
(7) "Die sterwende dief aan die kruis was nooit gedoop, tog was hygered; daarom is dit nie nodig dat ek gedoop moet word nie."
Dit is blykbaar waar dat die dief nie gedoop was nie, maar ons moetonthou dat ons in die koninkryk van God kan klim op die rug van diesterwende dief nie. Hier is 'n paar dinge wat ek aan u wil verduidelik.
(a) Die sterweude dief kon nie gedoop word nie terwyl hy san diekruis gehang het.
Doop is onderdompeling. Om 'n persoon met water te besprinkel is 'nvervanger wat geen betekenis het en dit verklaar die woord van Godongeldig. Die Here vra nooit dat ons die onmoontlike moet doen, maarwanneer Hy vra om iets te doen, dan verwag Hy dat ons dit moet doen.
Die sterwende dief was verhinder deur omstandighede waardeur hy geenbeheer gehad het nie, van die plesier van die bevoorreg van gelowigesse doop.
(b) Die sterwende dief was nooit gevra om gedoop te word nie.
Daar is niks wat aandui dat die onderwerp ooit aan hom vertel was.As die doop nodig was, en die Here het hom gevra om sy liefde engetrouheid te bewys deur gedoop te word, dink jy dat die sterwende diefsou die Here geweier om hierdiedaad van onderdanigheid en toewyding.
(c) Die Groot Opdrag verenig die bevel vir die doop van almal watdissipels geword het (Matt. 28;19,20) was NIE GEGEE NA DIE DOOD ENOPWEKKING VAN JESUS.
Dit was na die dood van die dief aan die kruis, so dit was sekerliknie vir hom bedoel nie, maar dit kom jou toe. Dit kom almal toe wat dieevangelie hoor. As ons wil kom by die plek van redding en seëninge vanChristus, moet ons in sy weg kom, en dit is die weg van Sy wil.
Johannes se doop was voor die dood van Christus uitgeoefen, maar dithet 'n verskillende betekenis gehad as Christen doop. WAAROM VERSUIM U?
(8) "Ek voel u om gedoop te word nie."
Mekkien nie. Dit hang alles af van die kerk leier wat jy na volg.Baie van hulle is nie gedoop nie, want hulle verstaan die Here se wilin hierdie geval. Hulle het die verkeerde lering gevolg soos die vansuigeling besprinkeling:
As u leier Christus Jesus is, Hy het u leiding gegee in die gevaldeur die bevel te gee. Watter verdere leiding is noodsaaklik? DieHeilige Gees sal ons nooit 'n teenoorgestelde leiding gee as die vanChristus en sy in spirerende apostels nie.
Dit beteken die Heilige Gees woord gebruik om ons te wys en lei diewoord. Die swaard is die woord van God. Om deur die Heilige Gees geleite word beteken om die rigting wat die heilige gees aandui in die inspirende word te volg.
(9) "Ek was gedooptoe ek ‘n suigeling was, dus het ek nie nodig om gedoop te wod nie,"
As jy regtig gedoop was toe jy 'n suigeling was dit was nie Christendoop, want Christen doop is vir GELOWIGES - nie babas. Daar is absoluutgeen Bybel magtiging vir baba doop nie. Inder waarheid dit watsuigeling doop genoem word is glad nie doop nie, maar die"besprinkeling" of "uitstort" van 'n paar druppels water op 'n kind.Dit is gedoen nos glo, met alle opregtheid by baie ywerige Christenemaar dit is nietemin, 'n mens gemaakte gewoonte; mens plaas vervangervir die wet wat Christus gestig het. 'N skriftelike doop vereis "baiewater" (John 3:23). Om in die water af te gaan, uit die water opklim(Matt. 3:16; Mark 1:9,10; Hand. 8:38-39). 'N begrafnis en opstaan (Kol.2:12; Rom. 6:4,5).
Moenie toe laat dat 'n mense plaasvervanger vir 'n Bybelse wetverhoed dat jy die vryheid geniet van respektering die Here se wil indie doop. Tot 'n kind wat oud genoeg is om te glo, en dat Jesus syverlosser is, 'n gepaste en selfstandige onderdaan vir gelowiges doop.Maar die doop van suigelinge, en die verandering van "doopgetuie" of"peetvaders"en "peetmoeders" is verkeerd want dit het die neiging omsiele weg te hou om die wil van die Here te doen in die geval om diedoop wat hy beveel. Dit is 'n ernstige ding om iets te vervang in dieplek van wat God wil hê.
"Ons moet God liewer gehoorsam as die mense." WAAROM VERUIM U?
Onthou dat tot Johannes se doop was so belangrik dat selfs Jesus hetdit bygewoon. Jou verlosser is 'n GEDOOPTE VERLOSSING. Die doop wat jouverlosser verlang wat jy moet waarneem moet sekerlik belangrik wees virjou. Hierdie gedagte alleenlik is voldoende om jou tot die plek tebring van SY wil.
Inder waarheid as Jesus nie gedoop was nie, sou Hy nie die verlosservan die wêreld wees nie. Het jy ooit daaraan gedink? Dit was meer as 'n"suiwer vorm" vir Jesus Christus. Meskien dink jy dus eerder 'nontstellende bewering. Geen doop - geen verlosser. Ek sedit vir die volgende redes: -
(a) God was die skrywer van Johannes se doop. (Lukas 20:4; Johannes1:6,13)
Christus het geglo dat dit van God is, en dit sou sonde vir Hom weesom dit te ignoreer wat dit is Sy Vader se wil, in die lig van kenniswat Hy het. As Hy gesondig het, kon Hy nie sondaars gered het nie. VirChristus die doop was 'n daad van toewyding aan die wil van die Vader.God het die doop geseën en sy Seun gesalf met die Heilige Gees, en sytevredenheid in Hom uit gedruk. (Matt. 3:16,17; Mark 1:9-11; Lukas 3:21-22). Die doop was die middel weg wat deur God gekies is deur wiedie messias bekend gestel word en geopenbaar word aan Israel. (John1:31 "Daarom het ek gekom en met water gedoop").
(b) Want dit was 'n belangrike daad tot die voltooing van diegeregtigheid.
"Laat dit nou toe, want so pas dit ons om, alle geregtigheid tevervul". (Matt. 3:15). Nou vergelyk hierdie bewering met Luk. 7:29,30:"En toe die hele volk en die tollenars dit hoor het hulle Godgeregverdig (Hoe?), deur hulle te laat doop met die doop van Johannes.Maar die Fariseërs en die wetgeleerdes het die raad van God aangaandehulle verwerp (Hoe?). deur hulle nie deur Hom te laat doop nie.
Toe Jesus gedoop was hei Hy God geregverdig. Die doop was 'n daadvan geregtigheid want dit het Jesus se aanneming van gie raad van Godbewys. Veronderstel Hy was nie gedoop nie, wat dan? Hulle wat die doopafgekeer het van Johannes het die raad van God aangaande hulle Verwerp.
As Johannes se doop so belangrik was in die dispensasie waarin Hygeleef het, is Christen doop soos beveel word deur Christus ook niebelangrik in hierdie Christen tydperk nie?
By 'n defenitiewe openbare daad verklaar Jesus aan watter kant Hywas. Hy was aan God se kant, want Hy het God se wil eerbiedig. Hy hetongeveer sestig myl gereis om gedoop te word, want hy het geweet hoebelangrik dit was om God se wil te doen.
Nou geliewe vriend, ek het daarna gesoek om die waarheid baieduidelik te maak, en die waarheid in liefde bekend te maak. Ek gee diesaak oor aan jou. Dit is by jou om te besluit. Natuurlik jy wil aanChristus se kant wees in alle dinge, wil jy nie? Dit is 'n vryheid, nienet 'n plig om sy geseënde wil te doen nie. Die doop is tussen diedinge wat ons moet doen, as ons Hom eerbiedig deur Hom in alle dinge tegehoorsaam. WAAROM VERSUIM U?
Gordon Bennett
Een van die eenvoudigste dinge wat Jesus betuig het was Sy will inverband gelowiges se doop. Hy het dit so belangrik beskou dat hyduidelik noem in die opdrag waarin Hy Sy dissipels beveel om dieevangelie te verkondig aan die wëreld. Die mag is vir een is diemag vir die ander. Hierdie is die Here se woorde soos aangeteken inMatt. 28:18_20. "En Jesus het nader gekom en met hulle gespreek engesê: Aan My is gegee alle mag in die hemel en op die aarde. Gaan danheen, maak dissipels van al die nasies, en doop hulle in die naam vandie Vader en die Seun en die Heilige Gees; en leer hulle om alles teonderhou wat ek julle beveel het. En kyk, ek ie met julle; all die daetot aan die voleinding van die wêreld."
Die apostels wie gehoor het die Here spreek hierdie woorde, en anderpersone wie deur hulle geleer was het die Here geglo deur Sy woord.Hulle het nie moeilikheid gevind om te verstaan wat die Here gemeen hetnie. Die boek van Handelinge verwys na die praktiese manier hulle diebetekenis van die opdrag vertaal het. Hulle het voort gegaan soosboodskapers van die kruis, en, wanneer siele na Christus gekeer het,hierdie boodskapers het gesorg dat die bekeerders gedoop was.
Daar is niks om aan te dui dat hulle in die vryheid met doop konklaar kom nie in enige geval. Ook nie in die spesiale omstandighede vanSaulus se bekering. (Hand. 9:1-22; Hand. 22:1-21) die doop was nieveronagsaam nie. En die Here antwoord hom; "Staan op en gaan na diestad, en dit sal jou gesê word wat jy moet doen." (Hand. 9:6).
Jesus kon daar en danself met Saulus gespreek het, maar Hy het nie. Daar was iets wat Jesusaan Saulus gesê het om te doen. Saulus was gelei na die stad vanDamaskus, en die Here het 'n seker dissipel genaam AnanNas gestuur wie aan Saulus gesê het, "En nou waarom versuimjy? Staan op, laat jou doop en jou sondes afwas; terwyl jy die naam vandie Here aanroep." (Handelinge 22:16).
Hoe het Saulus hierdie opdrag behandel? Hy "het opgestaan en wasgedoop." Hy het geen verskoning gehad om die doop te ontwyk nie. In elkgeval het hy nie 'n verskoning gesoek nie, maar het gesoek om die wilvan die Here te leer en te doen.
Dit is nie verbasend dat so baie mense wie getuig dat hulle die Herelief het verskoning soek om hulle self te weerhou van die dinge wat GodPaulus beveel het om te doen. Ek sal 'n paar van hierdie verskoningsopnoem en uitwys hoe eenvoudig dit in verband staan met God's woord.
(1) "Dit maak nie saak of ons gedoop is ot nk, dit maak geen verskilnie by ons nie."
Deur te sê dit maak nie saak of ons God gehoorsaam of nie, is omChristus se woord ongeldig, on betekenisvol. Dit bedoel dat Jesus mensevra om dinge te doen wat nie saak maak nie maar is onbruikbaar ofnutteloos. Dit maak saak by Christus, dit is waar om Hy dit beveel het.Om tesê dat "die doop nie saak maak nie" is om God se verstand tebeledig, en Sy mag in die wind slaan.
As Christen doop niesaak maak nie, waarom het Paulus twaalf manne van Efese wie gedoopwas volgens die betekening van Johannes se doop beveel het om weer tedoop?
(2) "Ek is gedoop met die Heilig Gees dus het ek nie water doopnodig nie."
Dit was die Heilige Gees deur Jesus wat die opdrag in verband diedoop gegee het. Van Jesus sê die woord: "God het nie die Heilige Geesby mate aan Hom gegee." Jesus het gesê: "Hierdie woorde wat Ek spreekis nie myne nie, maar die Vader sin wat my gestuur het. Dus sal dieHeilige Gees nie enig eimand lei om 'n belediging te gooi op water doop.
Cornelius (Handelinge 10) het die doop van die Heilige Gees ontvanghet; en dieselfde Heilige Gees het deur Petrus gespreek, en gesê:"Niemand kan tog die water weer, dat hierdie mense, wat net soos onsdie Heilige Gees ontvang het; nie gedoop word nie?
Hier weer het ons die Heilige Gees wat die doop beveel. Petrusverwys na die doop van die Heilige Gees as 'n rede vir water doop. Ditis die Vader se wil. Ons bid: "U wil geskied soos in die hemel netsoook op die aarde," en nog sê: "Ek het nie water doop nodig nie? WAAROMVERSUIM U?
(3) "Water kan nie my sondes afwas nie, so daar is geer kragdaarin."
Dit is waar, maar Ghristus het die reg om Sy eie uitdrukking testaaf. As ons moedswillig bedank om gedoop te word, hoe kan ons sê onssonde is afgewas? Ons moedswillige bedanking om Sy wil te doen issonde. "Hy wat weet om goed te doen en nie doen nie is sonde."
Die krag is nie in die water, maar die aksie van gehoorsaamheidwaarna Christus verlang. Dit was Jesus wat gesê het: "Hy wat my nielief het nie bewaar nie my gebooie nie."
(4) "Doop is net 'n vorm, en ons word nie denr vorm en seremoniesgered nie."
Dis waar lee vorms en seremonies van mense versinsels sal ‘n mensnie red nie. Dit is ook waar dat as ons glo aan ‘n skriftelike formsoos gelowiges se doop (in dompeling) as nie in Christus wat ditaanbeveeling nie, ons sal nie gered word nie.
"Ons is gered deur genade deur geloof," en geredde geloof worduitgedruk deur gehoorsaamheid aan die wil van God. "Ons is gered deurgeloof alleenlik, maar nie deur geloof wat alleen is nie." Netso is ookdie geloof, as dit geen werke het nie, in sigself dood: (Jak. 2:17 sienook vers 14). Dié geloof kan hom tog nie red nie? Die woord van Godleer duidelik dat Jesus "'n bewerker van ewige saligheid vir almal watHom gehoorsaam het." (Hebeërs 5:9).
Doop is die uiterlike uitdrukking van onse geloof in Christus, endie feite van die evangelie in verband sy dood, begrafnis enopstanding. Doop is die Goddelike vasgestelde daad, waarin ons bely datons Jesus aangetrek het, dat ons saam met Hom die sonde afgesterf heten opgestaan saam met Hom om in 'n nuwe lewe te wandel. "Omdat jullesaam met Hom begrawe is in die doop; waarin julle ook saam opgewek isdeur die geloof in die werking van God wat Hom uit die dode opgewekhet." (Kol. 2:12). Doop sonder geloof is van geen betekenis. Ditvoldoen aan die vereiste van God van 'n persoon wat gedoop is want ditis 'n uitdrukking van geloof.
(5) "Doop is maar net 'n opdrag."
Om so van die doop te praat is om Christus te beledig, en so woordoneer. Kan enige iets meer belangrik is vir 'n gelowige navolger vanChristus as die opdrag van die Here Jesus? Onthou, dit was "maar net 'nopdrag" van God wat Adam en Eva nie na geluister het nie, en die wêreldwas in sonde gedompel en die dood was die gevolg van daardieongehoorsaamheid. Het jy daarin gedink wat die moontlike gevolg van jouongehoorsaamheid aan die opdrag van Christus? WAAROM VERSUIM U?
(6) "Ek is al jare ‘n Christen, so ek het nie nodig om gedoop teword nie."
Jy is reeds die een wat veronderstel is om gedoop te word. As jy 'ngelowige is, dan is jy veronderstel om gedoop te word, want die doop isvir gelowiges. Die doop volg die aanneming van Christelike lering.Jesus het aan sy dissepels gesê om te "LEER" dan "DOOP".
(7) "Die sterwende dief aan die kruis was nooit gedoop, tog was hygered; daarom is dit nie nodig dat ek gedoop moet word nie."
Dit is blykbaar waar dat die dief nie gedoop was nie, maar ons moetonthou dat ons in die koninkryk van God kan klim op die rug van diesterwende dief nie. Hier is 'n paar dinge wat ek aan u wil verduidelik.
(a) Die sterweude dief kon nie gedoop word nie terwyl hy san diekruis gehang het.
Doop is onderdompeling. Om 'n persoon met water te besprinkel is 'nvervanger wat geen betekenis het en dit verklaar die woord van Godongeldig. Die Here vra nooit dat ons die onmoontlike moet doen, maarwanneer Hy vra om iets te doen, dan verwag Hy dat ons dit moet doen.
Die sterwende dief was verhinder deur omstandighede waardeur hy geenbeheer gehad het nie, van die plesier van die bevoorreg van gelowigesse doop.
(b) Die sterwende dief was nooit gevra om gedoop te word nie.
Daar is niks wat aandui dat die onderwerp ooit aan hom vertel was.As die doop nodig was, en die Here het hom gevra om sy liefde engetrouheid te bewys deur gedoop te word, dink jy dat die sterwende diefsou die Here geweier om hierdiedaad van onderdanigheid en toewyding.
(c) Die Groot Opdrag verenig die bevel vir die doop van almal watdissipels geword het (Matt. 28;19,20) was NIE GEGEE NA DIE DOOD ENOPWEKKING VAN JESUS.
Dit was na die dood van die dief aan die kruis, so dit was sekerliknie vir hom bedoel nie, maar dit kom jou toe. Dit kom almal toe wat dieevangelie hoor. As ons wil kom by die plek van redding en seëninge vanChristus, moet ons in sy weg kom, en dit is die weg van Sy wil.
Johannes se doop was voor die dood van Christus uitgeoefen, maar dithet 'n verskillende betekenis gehad as Christen doop. WAAROM VERSUIM U?
(8) "Ek voel u om gedoop te word nie."
Mekkien nie. Dit hang alles af van die kerk leier wat jy na volg.Baie van hulle is nie gedoop nie, want hulle verstaan die Here se wilin hierdie geval. Hulle het die verkeerde lering gevolg soos die vansuigeling besprinkeling:
As u leier Christus Jesus is, Hy het u leiding gegee in die gevaldeur die bevel te gee. Watter verdere leiding is noodsaaklik? DieHeilige Gees sal ons nooit 'n teenoorgestelde leiding gee as die vanChristus en sy in spirerende apostels nie.
Dit beteken die Heilige Gees woord gebruik om ons te wys en lei diewoord. Die swaard is die woord van God. Om deur die Heilige Gees geleite word beteken om die rigting wat die heilige gees aandui in die inspirende word te volg.
(9) "Ek was gedooptoe ek ‘n suigeling was, dus het ek nie nodig om gedoop te wod nie,"
As jy regtig gedoop was toe jy 'n suigeling was dit was nie Christendoop, want Christen doop is vir GELOWIGES - nie babas. Daar is absoluutgeen Bybel magtiging vir baba doop nie. Inder waarheid dit watsuigeling doop genoem word is glad nie doop nie, maar die"besprinkeling" of "uitstort" van 'n paar druppels water op 'n kind.Dit is gedoen nos glo, met alle opregtheid by baie ywerige Christenemaar dit is nietemin, 'n mens gemaakte gewoonte; mens plaas vervangervir die wet wat Christus gestig het. 'N skriftelike doop vereis "baiewater" (John 3:23). Om in die water af te gaan, uit die water opklim(Matt. 3:16; Mark 1:9,10; Hand. 8:38-39). 'N begrafnis en opstaan (Kol.2:12; Rom. 6:4,5).
Moenie toe laat dat 'n mense plaasvervanger vir 'n Bybelse wetverhoed dat jy die vryheid geniet van respektering die Here se wil indie doop. Tot 'n kind wat oud genoeg is om te glo, en dat Jesus syverlosser is, 'n gepaste en selfstandige onderdaan vir gelowiges doop.Maar die doop van suigelinge, en die verandering van "doopgetuie" of"peetvaders"en "peetmoeders" is verkeerd want dit het die neiging omsiele weg te hou om die wil van die Here te doen in die geval om diedoop wat hy beveel. Dit is 'n ernstige ding om iets te vervang in dieplek van wat God wil hê.
"Ons moet God liewer gehoorsam as die mense." WAAROM VERUIM U?
Onthou dat tot Johannes se doop was so belangrik dat selfs Jesus hetdit bygewoon. Jou verlosser is 'n GEDOOPTE VERLOSSING. Die doop wat jouverlosser verlang wat jy moet waarneem moet sekerlik belangrik wees virjou. Hierdie gedagte alleenlik is voldoende om jou tot die plek tebring van SY wil.
Inder waarheid as Jesus nie gedoop was nie, sou Hy nie die verlosservan die wêreld wees nie. Het jy ooit daaraan gedink? Dit was meer as 'n"suiwer vorm" vir Jesus Christus. Meskien dink jy dus eerder 'nontstellende bewering. Geen doop - geen verlosser. Ek sedit vir die volgende redes: -
(a) God was die skrywer van Johannes se doop. (Lukas 20:4; Johannes1:6,13)
Christus het geglo dat dit van God is, en dit sou sonde vir Hom weesom dit te ignoreer wat dit is Sy Vader se wil, in die lig van kenniswat Hy het. As Hy gesondig het, kon Hy nie sondaars gered het nie. VirChristus die doop was 'n daad van toewyding aan die wil van die Vader.God het die doop geseën en sy Seun gesalf met die Heilige Gees, en sytevredenheid in Hom uit gedruk. (Matt. 3:16,17; Mark 1:9-11; Lukas 3:21-22). Die doop was die middel weg wat deur God gekies is deur wiedie messias bekend gestel word en geopenbaar word aan Israel. (John1:31 "Daarom het ek gekom en met water gedoop").
(b) Want dit was 'n belangrike daad tot die voltooing van diegeregtigheid.
"Laat dit nou toe, want so pas dit ons om, alle geregtigheid tevervul". (Matt. 3:15). Nou vergelyk hierdie bewering met Luk. 7:29,30:"En toe die hele volk en die tollenars dit hoor het hulle Godgeregverdig (Hoe?), deur hulle te laat doop met die doop van Johannes.Maar die Fariseërs en die wetgeleerdes het die raad van God aangaandehulle verwerp (Hoe?). deur hulle nie deur Hom te laat doop nie.
Toe Jesus gedoop was hei Hy God geregverdig. Die doop was 'n daadvan geregtigheid want dit het Jesus se aanneming van gie raad van Godbewys. Veronderstel Hy was nie gedoop nie, wat dan? Hulle wat die doopafgekeer het van Johannes het die raad van God aangaande hulle Verwerp.
As Johannes se doop so belangrik was in die dispensasie waarin Hygeleef het, is Christen doop soos beveel word deur Christus ook niebelangrik in hierdie Christen tydperk nie?
By 'n defenitiewe openbare daad verklaar Jesus aan watter kant Hywas. Hy was aan God se kant, want Hy het God se wil eerbiedig. Hy hetongeveer sestig myl gereis om gedoop te word, want hy het geweet hoebelangrik dit was om God se wil te doen.
Nou geliewe vriend, ek het daarna gesoek om die waarheid baieduidelik te maak, en die waarheid in liefde bekend te maak. Ek gee diesaak oor aan jou. Dit is by jou om te besluit. Natuurlik jy wil aanChristus se kant wees in alle dinge, wil jy nie? Dit is 'n vryheid, nienet 'n plig om sy geseënde wil te doen nie. Die doop is tussen diedinge wat ons moet doen, as ons Hom eerbiedig deur Hom in alle dinge tegehoorsaam. WAAROM VERSUIM U?
Darrell Malcom
The salvation offered to mankind through Jesus Christ is received through faith in Him (Romans 1:16; Acts 16:30,31). This is not something that we can earn or deserve, but is made available to us through the love and grace of God (Ephesians 2:8,9). Our only hope is to recognize that we are sinners, and that through His perfect life, death for our sins and resurrection in power, Jesus Christ came to be our means of salvation. We are saved by putting faith in Jesus alone.
But faith requires some sort of expression. If you believed that the building you were in was on fire, you would make some quick response. Likewise, when a person places trust in Jesus Christ and receives Him into his life (John 1:12; Revelation 3:20), that newly found faith is to be expressed in action.
In the New Testament we learn that the early believers expressed their faith in Jesus first in repentance (Acts 2:38; 26:20), in a desire to change their lives and habits to be pleasing to God. They expressed their faith in words of open confession (Romans 10:10; Matthew 10:32,33) before both other believers and the world. Very quickly they also expressed this faith in baptism (Acts 2:41; 8:36-39; 16:31-34).
The New Testament speaks over 100 times about baptism. Anyone serious about Christian obedience needs to understand about Christian baptism. Not every New Testament reference is included in this study (a good concordance will give them all), but these sufficient for a basic understanding.
The printed verses can be better interpreted by studying them in the context (the verses that preceed and follow) to be certain of the original meaning. The printed text is from the New International Version. This study seeks to learn what preceeded Christian baptism, what was the form and meaning of the act of baptism, and what were the results of Christian baptism.
Now please prayerfully study, answering each question to your own satisfaction, allowing God to teach you through His Word.
Matthew 3:13-17. Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. But John tried to deter him; saying, "I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?" Jesus replied, "Let it be so now; for it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness." Then John consented. As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened,' and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased." (See also Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21,22; John 1:29-34):
Why did Jesus say he should be baptized?
What two significant signs accompanied the baptism of Jesus?
Why do you think John was baptizing in the Jordan River? (See John 3:23).
Matthew 28:20. Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age."
Upon whose authority is this "great commission" given?
In the order of this verse, what must precede baptism?
In whose name(s) is baptism to be done?
What is to follow the baptism of a disciple?
What special promise goes with this command?
Mark 16:15,16. He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned."
To whom is the gospel message to be preached?
ln the order in this verse, what is to precede baptism?
What warning is related to refusal to believe in Jesus?
What is the promise to one who has both believed and been baptized?
Acts 2:36-41. (Peter is preaching and said) "Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ." When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, "Brothers, what shall we do?" Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off -- for all whom the Lord our God will call." With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, "Save yourselves from this corrupt generation." Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.
What was to precede baptism?
ln whose name were they to be baptized?
For what two reasons or assurances were they commanded to be baptized?
To whom is the promise given? Does that include you?
Acts 8:5, 12. (See Acts 8:4-13). Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Christ there...But when they believed Philip as he preached the good news of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.
What was the message preached to the Samaritans?
After they believed the message, what did the Samaritan men and women do?
Acts 8:34-39. (See Acts 8:26-39). The eunuch asked Philip, " Tell me, please, who is the prophet talking about, himself or someone else?" Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus. As they travelled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, "Look, here is water. Why shouldn't I be baptized?" Philip said, "If you believe with all your heart, you may." The official answered, "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God." And he ordered the chariot to stop. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him. When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing.
What was the message preached by Philip?
How did the eunuch express his faith in words?
How did he express his faith in actions?
What form of baptism is described in this section of Scripture?
How did the eunuch feel after being baptized?
(Note that the Spirit was active in this experience (8:29), but the obedience of baptism was "in water." See also Acts 10:44-48).
Acts 16:29-34. (See Acts 16:16-34). The jailer called for lights, rushed in and fell trembling before Paul and Silas. He then brought them out and asked, "Men, what must I do to be saved?" They replied, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved -you and your household." Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all the others in his house. At that hour of the night the jailer took them and washed their wounds; then immediately he and all his family were baptized. The jailer brought them into his house and set a meal before them; and the whole family was filled with joy, because they had come to believe in God.
What did Paul and Silas tell the jailer to do when he asked, "What must l do to be saved?"
What message was given to the jailer and his family?
How did the jailer show repentance (a change of heart and actions) toward Paul and Silas?
What was the reason for the rejoicing of the jailer and his family?
How soon were the jailer and his family baptized after they believed?
Acts 22:10,16. (Compare with Acts 9:1-19; 22:1-16; 26:9-20). (Paul asked of Jesus) "'What shall I do, Lord?' I asked." (Ananias said to Paul) "And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name."
What was Paul told to do?
What was the result of being baptized?
What does it mean to be "calling on his name?"
Romans 6:3-7. Or don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. If we have been united with him in his death, we will certainly also be united with him in his resurrection. For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be rendered powerless, that we should no longer be slaves to sin - because anyone who has died has been freed from sin.
(Note that baptism is "into His death", where Jesus shed his blood. Compare this with John 19:34; Colossians 1:19,20; l Peter 1:18,19.)
How in the form of baptism do we illustrate a burial and a resurrection?
Notice how well immersion of a person in water meets the requirements for a likeness of the death, burial and resurrection described here.
Can you think of any other form of action that will meet this requirement?
Colossians 2:12, 13. ...having been buried with him in baptism and raised with him through your faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead. When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins.
What form of baptism best expresses being "buried with him" and "raised with him"?
What happened to our sins when we were made "alive with Christ"?
(Note that in bapiism we are "buried" and "raised with him"; expressing what happens to us spiritually when "you were dead in your sins" and "God made you alive in Christ.")
Galatians 3:27 (26_28). ...for all of you who were baptized into Christ have been clothed with Christ.
What is the promise to those "who were baptized into Christ"?
1 Peter 3:21. ...and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also - not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a good conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
According to this verse, what is one of the results of baptism?
Would this teach that just going through the form of baptism is enough? Why or why not?
lf we have a guilty conscience for not doing what we know we should do, or for doing what we know is wrong, how do we get a "good conscience"? How does this apply to this verse?
REBAPTISM: Acts 19:3-5 (1-7). So Paul asked, "Then what baptism did you receive?" "John's Baptism," they replied. Paul said, "John's baptism was a baptism of repentance. He told the people to believe in the one coming after him, that is, in Jesus." On hearing this, they were baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus.
(This is the only case of "rebaptism" in the New Testament. Apparently the form of the previous baptism was correct, but it was done for the wrong purpose or meaning.)
Does this indicate that a person should be baptized again if the form or reason for being baptized previously did not meet all of the Scriptural requirements? Why or why not?
The New Testament was originally written in the Greek language. A study of the meaning of words in the original Greek is helpful in understanding what Jesus and the apostles taught about baptism.
The Greek word for "sprinkle" is "rhantizo" (or some form of this verb). It is used in the New Testament for sprinkling of blood and of ashes (Hebrews 9:13, 19, 20) but never for baptism.
The Greek word for "pour" is "Cheo" (or some form of this verb). It is used many times in the New Testament (Matthew 26:7 - ointment; Luke 10:34 - oil and wine; Acts 2:17,18 - the Spirit; etc.) but is never used for baptism.
The Greek word "baptisma" is the noun translated "baptism" in our English translations. It means "the, process of immersion, submersion and emergence" according to the Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words by W.E. Vine. The verb form is "baptizo" which is from the Greek word "bapto", meaning "to dip." W.E. Vine describes "baptizo" as "used among the Greeks to signify the dyeing of a garment, or the drawing of water by dipping a vessel into another, etc." Since Jesus and the disciples always used the word for "immerse" or "dip" when speaking of baptism, the form was understood by the word used in the original language.
A pattern given for us in the New Testament in which as individuals believed in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, they expressed this faith in repenting or turning from their sins (Acts 2:38; 26:20), by openly confessing their faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 8:37; Romans 10:10), and in the act of Christian baptism. As each sought to die to the past and to be born again in Jesus Christ, there was the reminder that Jesus had died on the cross for our sins, was buried in the tomb and arose from the dead. The act of Christian baptism in turn expressed commitment to this Jesus in desiring to die with Him to sin and in sharing in a resurrection from the water like Jesus was raised from the dead. The water was also a reminder of the cleansing they sought. Since it is the blood of Jesus Christ that saves us from sin (Matthew 26:28) and since we are baptized into His death (Romans 6:3) where the blood was shed, baptism is one of the ways that God applies the cleansing blood to our lives.
Please review what you have learned from these Scriptures and see if you have been baptized as the New Testament teaches Remember that Jesus commanded us to be baptized (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16) and also taught, "If you love me, you will obey what I command" (John 14:15).
All Scripture text: Holy Bible. New International Version, copyright 1978. New York International Bible Society. Used by permission.
Reprinted by permission of the author.
The salvation offered to mankind through Jesus Christ is received through faith in Him (Romans 1:16; Acts 16:30,31). This is not something that we can earn or deserve, but is made available to us through the love and grace of God (Ephesians 2:8,9). Our only hope is to recognize that we are sinners, and that through His perfect life, death for our sins and resurrection in power, Jesus Christ came to be our means of salvation. We are saved by putting faith in Jesus alone.
But faith requires some sort of expression. If you believed that the building you were in was on fire, you would make some quick response. Likewise, when a person places trust in Jesus Christ and receives Him into his life (John 1:12; Revelation 3:20), that newly found faith is to be expressed in action.
In the New Testament we learn that the early believers expressed their faith in Jesus first in repentance (Acts 2:38; 26:20), in a desire to change their lives and habits to be pleasing to God. They expressed their faith in words of open confession (Romans 10:10; Matthew 10:32,33) before both other believers and the world. Very quickly they also expressed this faith in baptism (Acts 2:41; 8:36-39; 16:31-34).
The New Testament speaks over 100 times about baptism. Anyone serious about Christian obedience needs to understand about Christian baptism. Not every New Testament reference is included in this study (a good concordance will give them all), but these sufficient for a basic understanding.
The printed verses can be better interpreted by studying them in the context (the verses that preceed and follow) to be certain of the original meaning. The printed text is from the New International Version. This study seeks to learn what preceeded Christian baptism, what was the form and meaning of the act of baptism, and what were the results of Christian baptism.
Now please prayerfully study, answering each question to your own satisfaction, allowing God to teach you through His Word.
Matthew 3:13-17. Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. But John tried to deter him; saying, "I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?" Jesus replied, "Let it be so now; for it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness." Then John consented. As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened,' and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased." (See also Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21,22; John 1:29-34):
Why did Jesus say he should be baptized?
What two significant signs accompanied the baptism of Jesus?
Why do you think John was baptizing in the Jordan River? (See John 3:23).
Matthew 28:20. Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age."
Upon whose authority is this "great commission" given?
In the order of this verse, what must precede baptism?
In whose name(s) is baptism to be done?
What is to follow the baptism of a disciple?
What special promise goes with this command?
Mark 16:15,16. He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned."
To whom is the gospel message to be preached?
ln the order in this verse, what is to precede baptism?
What warning is related to refusal to believe in Jesus?
What is the promise to one who has both believed and been baptized?
Acts 2:36-41. (Peter is preaching and said) "Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ." When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, "Brothers, what shall we do?" Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off -- for all whom the Lord our God will call." With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, "Save yourselves from this corrupt generation." Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.
What was to precede baptism?
ln whose name were they to be baptized?
For what two reasons or assurances were they commanded to be baptized?
To whom is the promise given? Does that include you?
Acts 8:5, 12. (See Acts 8:4-13). Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Christ there...But when they believed Philip as he preached the good news of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.
What was the message preached to the Samaritans?
After they believed the message, what did the Samaritan men and women do?
Acts 8:34-39. (See Acts 8:26-39). The eunuch asked Philip, " Tell me, please, who is the prophet talking about, himself or someone else?" Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus. As they travelled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, "Look, here is water. Why shouldn't I be baptized?" Philip said, "If you believe with all your heart, you may." The official answered, "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God." And he ordered the chariot to stop. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him. When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing.
What was the message preached by Philip?
How did the eunuch express his faith in words?
How did he express his faith in actions?
What form of baptism is described in this section of Scripture?
How did the eunuch feel after being baptized?
(Note that the Spirit was active in this experience (8:29), but the obedience of baptism was "in water." See also Acts 10:44-48).
Acts 16:29-34. (See Acts 16:16-34). The jailer called for lights, rushed in and fell trembling before Paul and Silas. He then brought them out and asked, "Men, what must I do to be saved?" They replied, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved -you and your household." Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all the others in his house. At that hour of the night the jailer took them and washed their wounds; then immediately he and all his family were baptized. The jailer brought them into his house and set a meal before them; and the whole family was filled with joy, because they had come to believe in God.
What did Paul and Silas tell the jailer to do when he asked, "What must l do to be saved?"
What message was given to the jailer and his family?
How did the jailer show repentance (a change of heart and actions) toward Paul and Silas?
What was the reason for the rejoicing of the jailer and his family?
How soon were the jailer and his family baptized after they believed?
Acts 22:10,16. (Compare with Acts 9:1-19; 22:1-16; 26:9-20). (Paul asked of Jesus) "'What shall I do, Lord?' I asked." (Ananias said to Paul) "And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name."
What was Paul told to do?
What was the result of being baptized?
What does it mean to be "calling on his name?"
Romans 6:3-7. Or don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. If we have been united with him in his death, we will certainly also be united with him in his resurrection. For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be rendered powerless, that we should no longer be slaves to sin - because anyone who has died has been freed from sin.
(Note that baptism is "into His death", where Jesus shed his blood. Compare this with John 19:34; Colossians 1:19,20; l Peter 1:18,19.)
How in the form of baptism do we illustrate a burial and a resurrection?
Notice how well immersion of a person in water meets the requirements for a likeness of the death, burial and resurrection described here.
Can you think of any other form of action that will meet this requirement?
Colossians 2:12, 13. ...having been buried with him in baptism and raised with him through your faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead. When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins.
What form of baptism best expresses being "buried with him" and "raised with him"?
What happened to our sins when we were made "alive with Christ"?
(Note that in bapiism we are "buried" and "raised with him"; expressing what happens to us spiritually when "you were dead in your sins" and "God made you alive in Christ.")
Galatians 3:27 (26_28). ...for all of you who were baptized into Christ have been clothed with Christ.
What is the promise to those "who were baptized into Christ"?
1 Peter 3:21. ...and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also - not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a good conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
According to this verse, what is one of the results of baptism?
Would this teach that just going through the form of baptism is enough? Why or why not?
lf we have a guilty conscience for not doing what we know we should do, or for doing what we know is wrong, how do we get a "good conscience"? How does this apply to this verse?
REBAPTISM: Acts 19:3-5 (1-7). So Paul asked, "Then what baptism did you receive?" "John's Baptism," they replied. Paul said, "John's baptism was a baptism of repentance. He told the people to believe in the one coming after him, that is, in Jesus." On hearing this, they were baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus.
(This is the only case of "rebaptism" in the New Testament. Apparently the form of the previous baptism was correct, but it was done for the wrong purpose or meaning.)
Does this indicate that a person should be baptized again if the form or reason for being baptized previously did not meet all of the Scriptural requirements? Why or why not?
The New Testament was originally written in the Greek language. A study of the meaning of words in the original Greek is helpful in understanding what Jesus and the apostles taught about baptism.
The Greek word for "sprinkle" is "rhantizo" (or some form of this verb). It is used in the New Testament for sprinkling of blood and of ashes (Hebrews 9:13, 19, 20) but never for baptism.
The Greek word for "pour" is "Cheo" (or some form of this verb). It is used many times in the New Testament (Matthew 26:7 - ointment; Luke 10:34 - oil and wine; Acts 2:17,18 - the Spirit; etc.) but is never used for baptism.
The Greek word "baptisma" is the noun translated "baptism" in our English translations. It means "the, process of immersion, submersion and emergence" according to the Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words by W.E. Vine. The verb form is "baptizo" which is from the Greek word "bapto", meaning "to dip." W.E. Vine describes "baptizo" as "used among the Greeks to signify the dyeing of a garment, or the drawing of water by dipping a vessel into another, etc." Since Jesus and the disciples always used the word for "immerse" or "dip" when speaking of baptism, the form was understood by the word used in the original language.
A pattern given for us in the New Testament in which as individuals believed in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, they expressed this faith in repenting or turning from their sins (Acts 2:38; 26:20), by openly confessing their faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 8:37; Romans 10:10), and in the act of Christian baptism. As each sought to die to the past and to be born again in Jesus Christ, there was the reminder that Jesus had died on the cross for our sins, was buried in the tomb and arose from the dead. The act of Christian baptism in turn expressed commitment to this Jesus in desiring to die with Him to sin and in sharing in a resurrection from the water like Jesus was raised from the dead. The water was also a reminder of the cleansing they sought. Since it is the blood of Jesus Christ that saves us from sin (Matthew 26:28) and since we are baptized into His death (Romans 6:3) where the blood was shed, baptism is one of the ways that God applies the cleansing blood to our lives.
Please review what you have learned from these Scriptures and see if you have been baptized as the New Testament teaches Remember that Jesus commanded us to be baptized (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16) and also taught, "If you love me, you will obey what I command" (John 14:15).
All Scripture text: Holy Bible. New International Version, copyright 1978. New York International Bible Society. Used by permission.
Reprinted by permission of the author.
Friday, December 28, 2007
R.S. Mills
Enige iets wat van die Here Jesus is moet ons nooitbereken as van "min belang." Ons praat van daardie dinge wat Hy gekieshet as `n direk bevel as "ordinansies." Die tradisies van mense is vanmin belang, maar die dinge wat deur die Here gestig is, is baiebelangrik, en moet nooit verwaarloos word nie. Dit maak nie regtig saakof ons 'n gebou het om in te aanbid. Dit is gerieflik, maar die gebouis nie nodig vir dien en vir die redding van mense nie. As ons aanbidop die Here se dag; as ons leer dat mense moet weder gebore word deurdie water en die gees in die doop deur onderdompeling; as ons die dood,begrafinis en opstanding van die Here onthou in die gemeenskaps diens;hierdie dínge iis belangrik dat ons getrou, en korrek, onderhou, diegedagtenis wat genoem word "kommunie" of die "Here se Tafel." s belangrik. Dit deel met ewigheid en waar ons ditsal deurbring. Hulle is almal ordonansies van die Here Jesus Christus.Terwille van hierdie feit, dit
Hierdie gedagtenis het nie begin deur mens. Dit hetbegin met die Seun van God. Met sy instelling het Hy gesê, "doen dit sodikwels as julle dit drink tot my gedagtenis: 1 Korinthiers 11:25b.
As dit van mens gewees het, sou dit van baie min belangwas as ons sy onderhouing verwaarloos. Ons kan die gedagtenis hou ofdit vergeet net soos wat ons kies. Maar, dit is 'n waardige gedagteniswat van ons verwag word om dit te hou "totdat hy weer kom." Dit is aanons gegee terwille van en om ons te onthou van Sy groot Iiefde vir ons,Dit is 'n knoop wat ons in `n volle kontak hou met Hom. Sonder dit,historie het dit geproef dat mense wegdrywe van hulle Here en isgeestelik verlore. Dit is nooit moontlik om `n geheime of "vrye vrug"Christen te wees nie. Ons albei behoort aan Hom om te onthou op daardiefeit, of ons behoort glad nie aan Hom nie. Ons band is verseker, en onsdryf weg net soos wat n skip los kom ven sy ankers en dryf gou weg opdie rotse en is verlore!
Die Apostel Paulus sê; "Want ek het van die Herepntvang wat ek ook aan julle oorgelewer het, dat díe Here Jesus ín dienag waarín Hy verraai is, brood geneem het; en nadat Hy gedank het, hetHy dit gebreek en gese: Neem, eet; dít is my liggaam wat vir jullegebreek word; doen dit tot my gedagtenis. Net so ook die beker na dieete, met die woord Híerdie beker is die nuwe testament ín My bloed;doen dít, so dikwels as julle daaruit drink, tot my gedagtenis. Want sodikwels as julle hierdie brood eet en hierdie beker drínk, verkondigjulle die dood van die Here totdat Hy kom. Wie dan op onwaarige wysedierdie brood eet of hierdie beker van díe Here drink, sal skuldig weesaan die liggaam en bloed van die Here. Maar die mens moet homselfbeproef en so van die brood eet en uit die beker drink. Want wie oponwaardige wyse eet en drink, eet en drink 'n oordeel oor homself,terwyl hy die líggaam van die Here nie onderskei nie. Daarom is daaronder julle baie swakkes en sieklikes, en `n aantal het ontslaap." (1Kor. 11:23_30)
Gemeenskap _ (1 Kor. 10:16_17) Die beker vandanksegging wat ons met danksegging seen, is dit nie die gemeenskap metdie bloed van Christus rne? Die brood wat ons breek, is dit nie diegemeenskap met die ligaam van die Christus nie? Omdat dit een brood isis ons almal een liggaam want ons het almal deel aan die een brood."Die apostel Johannes gebruik soortgelyke terme as hy se, "as julle niedie vlees van die Seun van die mens eet en sy bloed brink nie, hetjulle geen lewe in julleself nie. Hy wat my vlees eet en my bloeddrink, het die ewige lewe, en ek sal hom opwek in die laaste dag."(Johannes 6:53_54)
Hierdie gedagtenis trek almal bymekaar vir een doel. Asons deel is van die liggaam, en ons kom bymekaar om die Here te onthou,dan moet ons in eenheid wees met mekaar. `n Liggaam is `n eenheidhomself. Ons is een in Christus. "Ons is baie maar een brood, en eenliggaam. (1 Kor. 10:16) Paulus het die Galásiërs gese, "Want jullealmal wat in Christus gedoop is, het julle met Christus beklee.'' (Gal.3:27) God het sy Seun gestuur om vir almal te sterf want Hy het almallief. (Johannes 3: 16) Hy wil he almal moet een wees. (Johannes 17:21)
Her_inwyding _ Onder die Messiaanse verbond, voordatdie priester in die tabemakel kon ingaan, moes hy eers sy liggaamseremonielik bad om homself te reinig. Hy kon nie wag om voor God tekom as hy seremonie "onrein" is. Nadat hy hom gereining het, kon hystaan tussen God en die mens as middelaar. Ons ook, voordat ons paslikwas om voor God te kom moes ons eers vir ons reinig van die water endie Gees. (Johannes 3:5) Hierdie onderdompeling in water vir dievergifnis van sondes, word genoem "doop" na die Griekse woord vironderdomel, "baptizo." Terwille van daardie reiniging, het ons nou dievoorreg om voor God te staan as ‘n "heilige priesterdom," gereinig.Laat ons daardie toewyding hemu elke week as ons na die Here se Tafelkom, ons moet onsself ondersoek dat ons kan hemu word.
Gedagtenis _ Die doel van gedagtenis is om weer ietstot ons gedagtes te roep, paar sentraal gebeure of `n ding. Daardiesentraal feit en gebeurtenis in Christendom is Jesus Christus watgesterf het, was begrawe, en het weer uit die dode opgestaan. Hy leidie weg vir alle mense. Watter wonderlike "Goeie Nuus!" Dit is the"Evangelie!"
As ons die Here se Tafel hou, dan kyk ons af in diegrai soos die Here gelê het en ons onthou sy dood. Ons neem aan diebrood en die vrug van die wynstok, en onthou dat sy liggaam was gebreekop die kruis en sy bloed het gestort as betaling vir ons sondes. En;ons kyk op soos die opgestaande Christus wat opgekom het uit die grafen opgevaar het na sy hemelse Vader huis om met sy vader God te wees.Ons is gesê om dit te doen "totdat Hy kom" en onthou dat ons Here komterug op die wolke van die hemel `n triomfantlike Heer!
`n Gemeenskap wat nie sy hoof of vinder onthou nie ,kan nis as betroubaar beskryf word nie. Jesus Christus is die hoof vandie ker4c. Hy het gese, "totdat Ek kom." Ek onthou `n baie duurbaresister in die Here, wie, alhoewel sy sou sterf van kanker, solank aswat sy dit kon maak; was sy elke week by die Here se Tafel om deel teneem om gou met Hom te wees. Twee weke voor haar sterf, was sy nie meerbekwaam om die trip te maak nie so die ouderlinge het die gedagtenis nahaar geneem. Minder as twee ure voordat sy geroep was om haar Here teontmoet, was sy aan Sy Tafel met baie van haar broers en sisters in dieHere op haar kant. Dit is wat Hy beteken as Hy, se, "totdat ek kom."Dit is geen wonder dat haar mans ons vertel het van haar blydskapdaardie laaste Here se Dag in die more as hy haar reg maak vir die dagse dinge. Sy was gereed, betroubaar, ywerig om haar Here te ontmoet.
Dït moet nie verwaarloos word nie _ Die boek vanHandelinge in konneksie met die aktiviteite van die kerk, sê dat hullehet volhard "standvastig in die apostels se leríng en gemeenskap, endíe breking van díe brood, en in die gebede. Die N.I.V. taal gebruikdie woorde "het hulleself toegewy." Hierdie mense was betroubaar, hetdit in die eerste plek in hul lewens geplaas. Daar was geenverwaarlosing van hul pligte.
Die institusie van die Here se Tafel is van so grootbelang dat dit in detail geskryf is in Matthéüs, Markus, Lukas en in 1Korinthiërs. As God se Woord iets herhaal, moet ons kennis neem van syernistigheid!
Hierdie was die fokus punt van die eerste kerk seaanbidding. Toe die Apostel Paulus na Troas gekom het, het hy geweetdat die Christene sou bymekaar kom vir die onderhouing van die Here seTafel op die eerste dag van die week, so het hy `n volle week gewag omin staat te wees om hierdie gemeenskap met hulle by te woon en met dieHere rond om die tafel. (Handelinge 20:7)
Nie om verag te word nie _ Sommige Christene kom om dietyd van die Tafel te gebruik as maar net `n fees soos die heidenewanneer hulle hul, afgode aanbid. Hulle het selfs dronk geword en diearmes uitgelaat uit hul gemeenskap: Paulus was ontevrede met hulleomdat hulle hul eie huise het om in te set, en uitnooi wie hulle kies.Hierdie is `n gedagtenis ete en nie `n heiden fees nie! Hulle het geeeten gedrink tot hul eie veroordeling.
Dit is nie die woorde wat gespreek word by die tafelwat die onderhou heilig nie. Dit is nie die fisiese breek van die broodas iemand die woorde herhaal nie, "dit is my liggaam wat vir jullegebreek word: doen dit tot my gedagtenis." Daar is niks vergeet met diegewoonte as ons dit onthou as `n gewoonte, en nie 'n deel van die Herese bevel nie. Dit is nie of dit "die vrug van dié wynstok" is of bederfof vars, wit of rooi, alhoewel indivudue het hul verwysings. Dit gaannie oor die gebruik van een koppie of meer. Die belangrike ding is, datons die doel van die gedagtenis "ONTHOU." Herroep ons in ons gedagtesweer die Here se gebreekte liggaam en gestorte bloed as ons bymekaarkom? (1 Korinthiërs 11:29)
Dit is `n saak vara die hart _ As die hart van dieChristen nie geraak is nie, dan word die waameming `n spot en leeg: Godhet Sy Seun vir ons gegee! Daardie Seun was gekruisig op `n Romeinsekruis vir ons, dat ons die vergifnis van sondes mag hê. Hierdie dingemoet ons onthou en erken.
As ons feil om gierdie dinge te onthou, ons maak maarnet ‘n spot van die gedagtenis en die veroordeling is dood en siekte asons aanhou. Wie dan op onwaardige wyse eet en drink, eet en drink ‘noordeel oor homself, terwyl he die liggaam van die Here nie onderskeinie. Daarom is daar onder julle baie sieklikes en swakkes, en ‘n aantalhet ontstaap.
Dit is dieselfde as om van die geloof te gaan enverlaat die byeenkoms soos sommige mense doen. (Heb. 10:25) Dit is virlewens dat ons getrou deel neem aan die Here se Tafel. Jesus Christushet beveel dat ons dit doen, en dat ons dit op ‘n waardige manier doen,onrhou Sy dood tot Hy weer terug keer vir ons. Is u hart reg? Dit kannie wees as u die Here se Tafel laat verwaarloos of dit nie onthou as‘n gedagtenis vir Hom.
Hierdie dood is meer ernstiger as ‘n dood as gevolg van‘n groot siekte. Groot siekte effek net hierdie lewe; geestelike doodsluit ewigheid in! Ons mag versoek word deur te sê dat God is baiekwaai met ons. Nee, dit is nie so nie.
As ons spot met die dood van die Here Jesus, dan is onsslegter as dardie wat op Golgota bymekaar gekom het en geskree het,"Kruisig Hom!" Hulle het Hom nie as verlosser geken nie. Ons weet.Selfs as ons Hom ken en selfs sy kruisiging vir ons verwerp. Baie vandaardie wat teenwoordig was op Golgota het bekeer van hulle sondes enhet Christene geword. Ons word gesê toe Apostel Petrus gepreek het opPinkster, baie van die wat hom gehoor het, "Toe hulle dit hoor, ishulle diep in die harte hetref en het vir Petrus en die ander apostelsgesê: Wat moet ons doen, broeders?" (Handelinge 2:37)
"En Petrus se vir hulle: Bekeer julle, en laat elkeenvan julle gedoop word in die naam van Jesus Christus tot vergewing vansondes, en julle sal die gawe van die Heilige Gees ontvang," . . . "Diewat toe sy woord met blydskap aangeneem het, is gedoop; en daar is opdaardie dag omtrent drieduiswnd siele toegebring." (Handelinge 2:38,41)
Baie van hulle het bekeer en was gered. Baie Christenesal nie bekeer nie en sal aanhou om die Here Jesus te spot in dieveragting van Sy gedagtenis. Hy het gesê dat hulle siek sal word ensterf terwille van hierdie sonde. Om die Here te ken en afdraai na diepad van sonde, is soos ‘n verk wat terug draai na die vuil modder-poelwaar hy terug gaan mon te grawe vir voedsel in die modder en veiligheid!
Ons most die Here se Tafel nader met 'n gees van selfondersoeking. "Maar die mens moet homself beproef en so van die broodeet en uit die beker drink. Want wie op onwaardige wyse eet en drink,eet en drink `n oordeel oorhom self, terwyl hy die liggaam van die Herenie onderskei nie. Daarom is daar onder julle baie swakkes ensieklikies, en `n aantal het ontslaap." (I Kor. 11:28_30) Dit iswaarlik 'n eenvoudige saak om onsself te ondersoek en ons gedagtesplaas op die doel van die gedagtenis. Die skrifte sê, "Want as onsonsself beoordeel het, sou ons nie geoordeel word nie. Maar as onsgeoordeel word, word ons deur die Here getugtig, sodat ons nie saam metdie wêreld geoordeel word nie." (I Kor. 11:31_32)
Broeders, laat ons onsself dissiplineer by die Here seTafel dat ons waarlik die liggaam Van die Here mag sien daar en ontvlugdie dissipiliene van die Here wat die ongehoorsame kinders verdien.
Ons het `n weeklikse afspraak met die Koning: 'nuitnodiging van die Here Jesus. Niks anders kan so belanrik wees virons. Maar, laat ons self vir ons dissiplineer om daardie weeklikseafspraak te onderhou in 'n waardige manier sodat ons versterk kan wordliewer as om te verswak
R.S. Mills
Enige iets wat van die Here Jesus is moet ons nooitbereken as van "min belang." Ons praat van daardie dinge wat Hy gekieshet as `n direk bevel as "ordinansies." Die tradisies van mense is vanmin belang, maar die dinge wat deur die Here gestig is, is baiebelangrik, en moet nooit verwaarloos word nie. Dit maak nie regtig saakof ons 'n gebou het om in te aanbid. Dit is gerieflik, maar die gebouis nie nodig vir dien en vir die redding van mense nie. As ons aanbidop die Here se dag; as ons leer dat mense moet weder gebore word deurdie water en die gees in die doop deur onderdompeling; as ons die dood,begrafinis en opstanding van die Here onthou in die gemeenskaps diens;hierdie dínge iis belangrik dat ons getrou, en korrek, onderhou, diegedagtenis wat genoem word "kommunie" of die "Here se Tafel." s belangrik. Dit deel met ewigheid en waar ons ditsal deurbring. Hulle is almal ordonansies van die Here Jesus Christus.Terwille van hierdie feit, dit
Hierdie gedagtenis het nie begin deur mens. Dit hetbegin met die Seun van God. Met sy instelling het Hy gesê, "doen dit sodikwels as julle dit drink tot my gedagtenis: 1 Korinthiers 11:25b.
As dit van mens gewees het, sou dit van baie min belangwas as ons sy onderhouing verwaarloos. Ons kan die gedagtenis hou ofdit vergeet net soos wat ons kies. Maar, dit is 'n waardige gedagteniswat van ons verwag word om dit te hou "totdat hy weer kom." Dit is aanons gegee terwille van en om ons te onthou van Sy groot Iiefde vir ons,Dit is 'n knoop wat ons in `n volle kontak hou met Hom. Sonder dit,historie het dit geproef dat mense wegdrywe van hulle Here en isgeestelik verlore. Dit is nooit moontlik om `n geheime of "vrye vrug"Christen te wees nie. Ons albei behoort aan Hom om te onthou op daardiefeit, of ons behoort glad nie aan Hom nie. Ons band is verseker, en onsdryf weg net soos wat n skip los kom ven sy ankers en dryf gou weg opdie rotse en is verlore!
Die Apostel Paulus sê; "Want ek het van die Herepntvang wat ek ook aan julle oorgelewer het, dat díe Here Jesus ín dienag waarín Hy verraai is, brood geneem het; en nadat Hy gedank het, hetHy dit gebreek en gese: Neem, eet; dít is my liggaam wat vir jullegebreek word; doen dit tot my gedagtenis. Net so ook die beker na dieete, met die woord Híerdie beker is die nuwe testament ín My bloed;doen dít, so dikwels as julle daaruit drink, tot my gedagtenis. Want sodikwels as julle hierdie brood eet en hierdie beker drínk, verkondigjulle die dood van die Here totdat Hy kom. Wie dan op onwaarige wysedierdie brood eet of hierdie beker van díe Here drink, sal skuldig weesaan die liggaam en bloed van die Here. Maar die mens moet homselfbeproef en so van die brood eet en uit die beker drink. Want wie oponwaardige wyse eet en drink, eet en drink 'n oordeel oor homself,terwyl hy die líggaam van die Here nie onderskei nie. Daarom is daaronder julle baie swakkes en sieklikes, en `n aantal het ontslaap." (1Kor. 11:23_30)
Gemeenskap _ (1 Kor. 10:16_17) Die beker vandanksegging wat ons met danksegging seen, is dit nie die gemeenskap metdie bloed van Christus rne? Die brood wat ons breek, is dit nie diegemeenskap met die ligaam van die Christus nie? Omdat dit een brood isis ons almal een liggaam want ons het almal deel aan die een brood."Die apostel Johannes gebruik soortgelyke terme as hy se, "as julle niedie vlees van die Seun van die mens eet en sy bloed brink nie, hetjulle geen lewe in julleself nie. Hy wat my vlees eet en my bloeddrink, het die ewige lewe, en ek sal hom opwek in die laaste dag."(Johannes 6:53_54)
Hierdie gedagtenis trek almal bymekaar vir een doel. Asons deel is van die liggaam, en ons kom bymekaar om die Here te onthou,dan moet ons in eenheid wees met mekaar. `n Liggaam is `n eenheidhomself. Ons is een in Christus. "Ons is baie maar een brood, en eenliggaam. (1 Kor. 10:16) Paulus het die Galásiërs gese, "Want jullealmal wat in Christus gedoop is, het julle met Christus beklee.'' (Gal.3:27) God het sy Seun gestuur om vir almal te sterf want Hy het almallief. (Johannes 3: 16) Hy wil he almal moet een wees. (Johannes 17:21)
Her_inwyding _ Onder die Messiaanse verbond, voordatdie priester in die tabemakel kon ingaan, moes hy eers sy liggaamseremonielik bad om homself te reinig. Hy kon nie wag om voor God tekom as hy seremonie "onrein" is. Nadat hy hom gereining het, kon hystaan tussen God en die mens as middelaar. Ons ook, voordat ons paslikwas om voor God te kom moes ons eers vir ons reinig van die water endie Gees. (Johannes 3:5) Hierdie onderdompeling in water vir dievergifnis van sondes, word genoem "doop" na die Griekse woord vironderdomel, "baptizo." Terwille van daardie reiniging, het ons nou dievoorreg om voor God te staan as ‘n "heilige priesterdom," gereinig.Laat ons daardie toewyding hemu elke week as ons na die Here se Tafelkom, ons moet onsself ondersoek dat ons kan hemu word.
Gedagtenis _ Die doel van gedagtenis is om weer ietstot ons gedagtes te roep, paar sentraal gebeure of `n ding. Daardiesentraal feit en gebeurtenis in Christendom is Jesus Christus watgesterf het, was begrawe, en het weer uit die dode opgestaan. Hy leidie weg vir alle mense. Watter wonderlike "Goeie Nuus!" Dit is the"Evangelie!"
As ons die Here se Tafel hou, dan kyk ons af in diegrai soos die Here gelê het en ons onthou sy dood. Ons neem aan diebrood en die vrug van die wynstok, en onthou dat sy liggaam was gebreekop die kruis en sy bloed het gestort as betaling vir ons sondes. En;ons kyk op soos die opgestaande Christus wat opgekom het uit die grafen opgevaar het na sy hemelse Vader huis om met sy vader God te wees.Ons is gesê om dit te doen "totdat Hy kom" en onthou dat ons Here komterug op die wolke van die hemel `n triomfantlike Heer!
`n Gemeenskap wat nie sy hoof of vinder onthou nie ,kan nis as betroubaar beskryf word nie. Jesus Christus is die hoof vandie ker4c. Hy het gese, "totdat Ek kom." Ek onthou `n baie duurbaresister in die Here, wie, alhoewel sy sou sterf van kanker, solank aswat sy dit kon maak; was sy elke week by die Here se Tafel om deel teneem om gou met Hom te wees. Twee weke voor haar sterf, was sy nie meerbekwaam om die trip te maak nie so die ouderlinge het die gedagtenis nahaar geneem. Minder as twee ure voordat sy geroep was om haar Here teontmoet, was sy aan Sy Tafel met baie van haar broers en sisters in dieHere op haar kant. Dit is wat Hy beteken as Hy, se, "totdat ek kom."Dit is geen wonder dat haar mans ons vertel het van haar blydskapdaardie laaste Here se Dag in die more as hy haar reg maak vir die dagse dinge. Sy was gereed, betroubaar, ywerig om haar Here te ontmoet.
Dït moet nie verwaarloos word nie _ Die boek vanHandelinge in konneksie met die aktiviteite van die kerk, sê dat hullehet volhard "standvastig in die apostels se leríng en gemeenskap, endíe breking van díe brood, en in die gebede. Die N.I.V. taal gebruikdie woorde "het hulleself toegewy." Hierdie mense was betroubaar, hetdit in die eerste plek in hul lewens geplaas. Daar was geenverwaarlosing van hul pligte.
Die institusie van die Here se Tafel is van so grootbelang dat dit in detail geskryf is in Matthéüs, Markus, Lukas en in 1Korinthiërs. As God se Woord iets herhaal, moet ons kennis neem van syernistigheid!
Hierdie was die fokus punt van die eerste kerk seaanbidding. Toe die Apostel Paulus na Troas gekom het, het hy geweetdat die Christene sou bymekaar kom vir die onderhouing van die Here seTafel op die eerste dag van die week, so het hy `n volle week gewag omin staat te wees om hierdie gemeenskap met hulle by te woon en met dieHere rond om die tafel. (Handelinge 20:7)
Nie om verag te word nie _ Sommige Christene kom om dietyd van die Tafel te gebruik as maar net `n fees soos die heidenewanneer hulle hul, afgode aanbid. Hulle het selfs dronk geword en diearmes uitgelaat uit hul gemeenskap: Paulus was ontevrede met hulleomdat hulle hul eie huise het om in te set, en uitnooi wie hulle kies.Hierdie is `n gedagtenis ete en nie `n heiden fees nie! Hulle het geeeten gedrink tot hul eie veroordeling.
Dit is nie die woorde wat gespreek word by die tafelwat die onderhou heilig nie. Dit is nie die fisiese breek van die broodas iemand die woorde herhaal nie, "dit is my liggaam wat vir jullegebreek word: doen dit tot my gedagtenis." Daar is niks vergeet met diegewoonte as ons dit onthou as `n gewoonte, en nie 'n deel van die Herese bevel nie. Dit is nie of dit "die vrug van dié wynstok" is of bederfof vars, wit of rooi, alhoewel indivudue het hul verwysings. Dit gaannie oor die gebruik van een koppie of meer. Die belangrike ding is, datons die doel van die gedagtenis "ONTHOU." Herroep ons in ons gedagtesweer die Here se gebreekte liggaam en gestorte bloed as ons bymekaarkom? (1 Korinthiërs 11:29)
Dit is `n saak vara die hart _ As die hart van dieChristen nie geraak is nie, dan word die waameming `n spot en leeg: Godhet Sy Seun vir ons gegee! Daardie Seun was gekruisig op `n Romeinsekruis vir ons, dat ons die vergifnis van sondes mag hê. Hierdie dingemoet ons onthou en erken.
As ons feil om gierdie dinge te onthou, ons maak maarnet ‘n spot van die gedagtenis en die veroordeling is dood en siekte asons aanhou. Wie dan op onwaardige wyse eet en drink, eet en drink ‘noordeel oor homself, terwyl he die liggaam van die Here nie onderskeinie. Daarom is daar onder julle baie sieklikes en swakkes, en ‘n aantalhet ontstaap.
Dit is dieselfde as om van die geloof te gaan enverlaat die byeenkoms soos sommige mense doen. (Heb. 10:25) Dit is virlewens dat ons getrou deel neem aan die Here se Tafel. Jesus Christushet beveel dat ons dit doen, en dat ons dit op ‘n waardige manier doen,onrhou Sy dood tot Hy weer terug keer vir ons. Is u hart reg? Dit kannie wees as u die Here se Tafel laat verwaarloos of dit nie onthou as‘n gedagtenis vir Hom.
Hierdie dood is meer ernstiger as ‘n dood as gevolg van‘n groot siekte. Groot siekte effek net hierdie lewe; geestelike doodsluit ewigheid in! Ons mag versoek word deur te sê dat God is baiekwaai met ons. Nee, dit is nie so nie.
As ons spot met die dood van die Here Jesus, dan is onsslegter as dardie wat op Golgota bymekaar gekom het en geskree het,"Kruisig Hom!" Hulle het Hom nie as verlosser geken nie. Ons weet.Selfs as ons Hom ken en selfs sy kruisiging vir ons verwerp. Baie vandaardie wat teenwoordig was op Golgota het bekeer van hulle sondes enhet Christene geword. Ons word gesê toe Apostel Petrus gepreek het opPinkster, baie van die wat hom gehoor het, "Toe hulle dit hoor, ishulle diep in die harte hetref en het vir Petrus en die ander apostelsgesê: Wat moet ons doen, broeders?" (Handelinge 2:37)
"En Petrus se vir hulle: Bekeer julle, en laat elkeenvan julle gedoop word in die naam van Jesus Christus tot vergewing vansondes, en julle sal die gawe van die Heilige Gees ontvang," . . . "Diewat toe sy woord met blydskap aangeneem het, is gedoop; en daar is opdaardie dag omtrent drieduiswnd siele toegebring." (Handelinge 2:38,41)
Baie van hulle het bekeer en was gered. Baie Christenesal nie bekeer nie en sal aanhou om die Here Jesus te spot in dieveragting van Sy gedagtenis. Hy het gesê dat hulle siek sal word ensterf terwille van hierdie sonde. Om die Here te ken en afdraai na diepad van sonde, is soos ‘n verk wat terug draai na die vuil modder-poelwaar hy terug gaan mon te grawe vir voedsel in die modder en veiligheid!
Ons most die Here se Tafel nader met 'n gees van selfondersoeking. "Maar die mens moet homself beproef en so van die broodeet en uit die beker drink. Want wie op onwaardige wyse eet en drink,eet en drink `n oordeel oorhom self, terwyl hy die liggaam van die Herenie onderskei nie. Daarom is daar onder julle baie swakkes ensieklikies, en `n aantal het ontslaap." (I Kor. 11:28_30) Dit iswaarlik 'n eenvoudige saak om onsself te ondersoek en ons gedagtesplaas op die doel van die gedagtenis. Die skrifte sê, "Want as onsonsself beoordeel het, sou ons nie geoordeel word nie. Maar as onsgeoordeel word, word ons deur die Here getugtig, sodat ons nie saam metdie wêreld geoordeel word nie." (I Kor. 11:31_32)
Broeders, laat ons onsself dissiplineer by die Here seTafel dat ons waarlik die liggaam Van die Here mag sien daar en ontvlugdie dissipiliene van die Here wat die ongehoorsame kinders verdien.
Ons het `n weeklikse afspraak met die Koning: 'nuitnodiging van die Here Jesus. Niks anders kan so belanrik wees virons. Maar, laat ons self vir ons dissiplineer om daardie weeklikseafspraak te onderhou in 'n waardige manier sodat ons versterk kan wordliewer as om te verswak
Gordon Bennett
One of the plainest things Christ ever expressed was His will concerning Believer's Baptism. He considered it so important that He distinctly mentions it in the charge in which He bids His disciples to evangelize the world. The authority for the one is the authority for the other. These are the Lord's words as recorded in Matthew 28:18-20. "And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore and teach (make disciples - marg,) all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; Teaching them to observe all things WHATSOEVER I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world."
The apostles who heard the Lord speak these words, and other persons who were taught by them took the Lord at His word. They had no difficulty in understanding what their Lord meant. The Book of Acts refers to the practical way they interpreted the meaning of the command. They went forth as messengers of the CROSS, and, when souls turned to Christ, these messengers saw to it that the converts were baptized.
There is nothing to indicate that they were at liberty to dispense with baptism in any case. Even in the very special circumstances of Saul's conversion (Acts 9:1-22; Acts 22:1-21) baptism was not neglected. The LORD said to Saul, "Rise and enter into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou MUST do." (Acts 9:6).
Now, Jesus might have dealt with Saul then and there, but He did not. There was something that Jesus said Saul MUST do. Saul was led to the City of Damascus, and the Lord sent a certain disciple named Ananias, who said to Saul: "And now, why tarriest thou? Arise and be baptized and wash away thy sins calling on the name of the Lord." (Acts 22:16).
How did Saul treat this command? He "arose, and was baptized." He had NO EXCUSE to offer for refusing baptism. In fact, he was not looking for an excuse, but was seeking to learn the Lord's will and do it.
Is it not surprising that so many who profess to love the Lord seek to excuse themselves for not doing this thing which was one of the things the LORD said Paul MUST do? I will mention some of these excuses, and show how easily they are answered in harmony with God's word.
(1) "It does not matter whether we are baptized or not; it makes no difference to us."
To say that it does not matter whether we obey Christ or not, is to make Christ's word void, or meaningless. This infers that Jesus asks people to do things that do not matter, but are useless. It DOES matter to Christ, that is why He commanded it. To say that baptism "does not matter" is to insult the intelligence of Christ, and set at naught His authority.
If Christian baptism does not matter, why did Paul command twelve men of Ephesus, who had been baptised according to the significance of John's baptism to be baptised again?
(2) "I have been baptised with the Holy Spirit so do not need water baptism."
It was the Holy Spirit through Jesus who gave the command concerning baptism. Of Jesus the Word says: "For God gave not the Holy Spirit by measure unto Him." Jesus said: "The words that I speak are not mine, but the Father's who sent me." So the Holy Spirit would not lead any one to cast a slight on water baptism.
Cornelius (Acts 10) received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the same Holy Spirit spoke through Peter, and said, "Can any man forbid WATER that these should not be baptised who have received the Holy Spirit, as well as we?" (Acts 10:47-48).
Here, again, we have the Holy Spirit COMMANDING baptism. Peter refers to the baptism of the Holy Spirit as a reason FOR water baptism. It is the Father's will. Why pray: "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven," and yet say: "I do not need water baptism?" WHY TARRIEST THOU?
(3) "Water cannot wash my sins away, so there is no virtue in it."
That is true, but Christ has the right to state HIS OWN TERMS. If we WILFULLY refuse to be baptised, how can we say our sins are washed away? Our wilful refusal to do His will is sin. "For to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not it is SIN."
The virtue is not in the water, but in the act of obedience that Christ looks for. It was Jesus who said: "He that loveth me not, keepeth not my sayings."
(4) "Baptism is only a form, and we are not saved by forms and ceremonies."
True, empty forms and ceremonies of man's invention will not save. It is also true that, if we trust to a SCRIPTURAL form like Believer's Baptism (immersion) rather than in Christ who commanded it, we shall not be saved.
"We are saved by grace through faith," and saving faith is expressed by obedience to the will of God. "We are saved by faith alone, but not by the faith that is alone." "Even so, faith if it hath not works, is dead, being alone." (James 2:17; see also verse 14). A dead faith will not save anyone. The word of God clearly teaches that Jesus "became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that OBEY Him." (Hebrews 5:9).
Baptism is the outward expression of our faith in Christ, and the facts of the Gospel concerning His death, burial, and resurrection. Baptism is the DIVINELY appointed act, wherein we confess that we have put on Christ; that we have died with Him to sin and risen with Him to walk in newness of life. "Buried with Him in baptism wherein also ye are risen with Him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised Him from the dead." (Colossians 2:12). Baptism without faith is meaningless. It meets the Lord's requirements on as it is an expression of the faith of the person being baptised.
(5) "Baptism is only a command."
To speak like this of baptism is to slight Christ, and dishonour His word. Can anything be more important to a faithful follower of Christ than a command of the Lord Jesus? Remember, it was "only a command" of God that Adam and Eve disobeyed, and the world was plunged into sin and death in consequence of that disobedience. Have you thought of the possible consequence of your disobedience to this command of Christ? WHY TARRIEST THOU?
(6) "I am a Christian, and have been for years, so I have no need to be baptised."
You are just the one who ought to be baptised. If you are a believer, then you OUGHT to be baptised because baptism is for believers. Baptism follows the acceptance of Christian teaching. Jesus told His disciples to "TEACH" then "BAPTISE."
(7) "The dying thief was never baptised. yet he was saved; therefore, I have no need to be baptised."
It is evidently true that the thief was not baptised, but we must remember that we cannot climb into the Kingdom of God on the back of a dying thief. There are some things I want to make plain to you:
(a) The dying thief could not be baptised while he was hanging on the cross.
Baptism is immersion. Sprinkling water on a person is a meaningless substitute that makes void the word of the Lord. The Lord never asks us to do the impossible, but when He asks us to do a thing, He expects us to do it.
The dying thief was debarred by circumstances over which he had no control, from the enjoyment of the privilege of Believer's Baptism.
(b) The dying thief was never asked to be baptised.
There is nothing to indicate that the subject was ever mentioned to him. If baptism had been possible, and the Lord had asked him to show his love and loyalty to Him by being baptised, do you think the dying thief would have refused his Lord this act of obedience and consecration?
(c) The Great Commission incorporating the command for the baptism of all who become disciples (viz., Matthew 28:19-20) was NOT GIVEN UNTIL AFTER THE DEATH AND RESURRECTION OF JESUS.
That was after the death of the thief on the cross, so it certainly did NOT apply to him, but it DOES apply to YOU. It applies to all who hear the Gospel. If we would come to the place of salvation and the blessings of Christ, we must come in the way of Christ, and that is the way of His will.
John's baptism was practised before the death of Christ, but it had a different significance from Christian baptism. WHY TARRIEST THOU?
(8) "I don't feel led to be baptised."
Perhaps not. It all depends on the church leader you are following. Many are not baptised because they do not quite understand the Lord's will in the matter. They have followed the leading of wrong teaching like that of infant sprinkling.
If your leader is CHRIST JESUS, He has given you the LEAD in this matter by giving the command. What further leading is necessary? The Holy Spirit never leads us contrary to the teaching of Christ and His inspired apostle's.
The means the Holy Spirit uses to guide and lead us is the WORD. "The sword is the word of God." To be led by the Spirit means following the direction indicated by the Holy Spirit in the inspired WORD.
(9) "l was baptised when an infant, so don't need to be baptised again."
If you really were baptised when you were an infant that was not Christian baptism, for Christian baptism is for BELIEVERS - not babies. There is absolutely no BIBLE authority for BABY BAPTISM. Indeed, what is generally called "infant baptism" is not baptism at all, but the "sprinkling" or "pouring" of a few drops of water on the child. This is done, we believe, with all sincerity by many earnest Christians, but it is nevertheless, a man-made custom; man's substitution for the ordinance that Christ instituted. A Scriptural baptism requires "MUCH WATER" (John 3:23). A going down INTO the water, coming UP OUT OF the water (Matthew 3:16; Mark 1:9-10; Acts 8:38-39). A BURIAL and rising again (Colossians 2:12; Romans 6:4-5).
Do not let man's substitution for a Scriptural ordinance prevent you enjoying the privilege of respecting the Lord's will in baptism. Even a child who is old enough to believe, and does believe that Jesus is his Saviour, is a fit and proper subject for Believer's Baptism. But the baptism of infants, and the innovation of "sponsors" or "godfathers" and "godmothers" is wrong, because it has a tendency to keep souls from doing the will of the Lord in the matter of THE baptism He has commanded. It is a serious thing for man to substitute something for what God requires.
"We should obey GOD rather than men." WHY TARRIEST THOU?
Remember that even John's baptism was so important to Christ that HE attended to it. Your Saviour is a BAPTISED SAVIOUR. The baptism that your Saviour desires you to observe should certainly be important to you. And this thought alone should be sufficient to bring you to the place of HIS will.
Indeed, if Jesus had not been baptised, He could not have been the Saviour of the world. Did you ever think of this? It was more than a "mere form" to Jesus Christ. Perhaps you think this is a rather startling statement. No baptism - no Saviour. Well, I say it for the following reasons: -
(a) God was the author of John's baptism. (Luke 20:4; John 1:6,13).
Christ believed it to be of God, and it would have been sin for HIM to have neglected His Father's will, in the light of the knowledge He had. If he sinned, He could not have saved sinners. To Christ, baptism was an act of consecration to the will of the Father. God blessed the act, and
anointed His Son with the Holy Spirit, and expressed His pleasure in Him. (Matthew 3:16-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22). Baptism was the means chosen by GOD by which the Messiah was to be made known or manifested to Israel (John 1:31: "Therefore am I come baptising with water.")
(b) Because it was a necessary act to the completion of righteousness.
"THUS", said Jesus, It becometh us to fulfill all righteousness." (Matthew 3:15). Now compare this statement with Luke 7:29-30: "And all the people that heard Him, and the publicans JUSTIFIED GOD (How?), being baptised with the baptism of John. But the Pharisees and lawyers REJECTED THE COUNSEL OF GOD AGAINST THEMSELVES (How?), being NOT baptised of him".
When Jesus was baptised He JUSTIFIED GOD. Baptism was an act of righteousness because it proved Christ's acceptance of the counsel of God. Supposing he had not been baptised, what then? Those who refused the baptism of John rejected the council of God against themselves.
If John's baptism was so important in the dispensation in which he lived, is not Christian Baptism as commanded by Christ as important in this Christian dispensation?
By a definite public act Jesus declares which side HE was on. He was on God's side, for He honoured God's will. He travelled nearly sixty miles to be baptised, because He knew how important it is to do God's will.
Now dear Friend, I have sought to make the truth very plain, and to proclaim the truth in love, I now leave the matter with you. It is for you to decide. Of course you want to be on Christ's side in all things, don't you? It is a privilege, not only a duty, to do His blessed will. Baptism is among the things we MUST DO, if we honour Him by obeying Him in all things
Gordon Bennett
One of the plainest things Christ ever expressed was His will concerning Believer's Baptism. He considered it so important that He distinctly mentions it in the charge in which He bids His disciples to evangelize the world. The authority for the one is the authority for the other. These are the Lord's words as recorded in Matthew 28:18-20. "And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore and teach (make disciples - marg,) all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; Teaching them to observe all things WHATSOEVER I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world."
The apostles who heard the Lord speak these words, and other persons who were taught by them took the Lord at His word. They had no difficulty in understanding what their Lord meant. The Book of Acts refers to the practical way they interpreted the meaning of the command. They went forth as messengers of the CROSS, and, when souls turned to Christ, these messengers saw to it that the converts were baptized.
There is nothing to indicate that they were at liberty to dispense with baptism in any case. Even in the very special circumstances of Saul's conversion (Acts 9:1-22; Acts 22:1-21) baptism was not neglected. The LORD said to Saul, "Rise and enter into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou MUST do." (Acts 9:6).
Now, Jesus might have dealt with Saul then and there, but He did not. There was something that Jesus said Saul MUST do. Saul was led to the City of Damascus, and the Lord sent a certain disciple named Ananias, who said to Saul: "And now, why tarriest thou? Arise and be baptized and wash away thy sins calling on the name of the Lord." (Acts 22:16).
How did Saul treat this command? He "arose, and was baptized." He had NO EXCUSE to offer for refusing baptism. In fact, he was not looking for an excuse, but was seeking to learn the Lord's will and do it.
Is it not surprising that so many who profess to love the Lord seek to excuse themselves for not doing this thing which was one of the things the LORD said Paul MUST do? I will mention some of these excuses, and show how easily they are answered in harmony with God's word.
(1) "It does not matter whether we are baptized or not; it makes no difference to us."
To say that it does not matter whether we obey Christ or not, is to make Christ's word void, or meaningless. This infers that Jesus asks people to do things that do not matter, but are useless. It DOES matter to Christ, that is why He commanded it. To say that baptism "does not matter" is to insult the intelligence of Christ, and set at naught His authority.
If Christian baptism does not matter, why did Paul command twelve men of Ephesus, who had been baptised according to the significance of John's baptism to be baptised again?
(2) "I have been baptised with the Holy Spirit so do not need water baptism."
It was the Holy Spirit through Jesus who gave the command concerning baptism. Of Jesus the Word says: "For God gave not the Holy Spirit by measure unto Him." Jesus said: "The words that I speak are not mine, but the Father's who sent me." So the Holy Spirit would not lead any one to cast a slight on water baptism.
Cornelius (Acts 10) received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the same Holy Spirit spoke through Peter, and said, "Can any man forbid WATER that these should not be baptised who have received the Holy Spirit, as well as we?" (Acts 10:47-48).
Here, again, we have the Holy Spirit COMMANDING baptism. Peter refers to the baptism of the Holy Spirit as a reason FOR water baptism. It is the Father's will. Why pray: "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven," and yet say: "I do not need water baptism?" WHY TARRIEST THOU?
(3) "Water cannot wash my sins away, so there is no virtue in it."
That is true, but Christ has the right to state HIS OWN TERMS. If we WILFULLY refuse to be baptised, how can we say our sins are washed away? Our wilful refusal to do His will is sin. "For to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not it is SIN."
The virtue is not in the water, but in the act of obedience that Christ looks for. It was Jesus who said: "He that loveth me not, keepeth not my sayings."
(4) "Baptism is only a form, and we are not saved by forms and ceremonies."
True, empty forms and ceremonies of man's invention will not save. It is also true that, if we trust to a SCRIPTURAL form like Believer's Baptism (immersion) rather than in Christ who commanded it, we shall not be saved.
"We are saved by grace through faith," and saving faith is expressed by obedience to the will of God. "We are saved by faith alone, but not by the faith that is alone." "Even so, faith if it hath not works, is dead, being alone." (James 2:17; see also verse 14). A dead faith will not save anyone. The word of God clearly teaches that Jesus "became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that OBEY Him." (Hebrews 5:9).
Baptism is the outward expression of our faith in Christ, and the facts of the Gospel concerning His death, burial, and resurrection. Baptism is the DIVINELY appointed act, wherein we confess that we have put on Christ; that we have died with Him to sin and risen with Him to walk in newness of life. "Buried with Him in baptism wherein also ye are risen with Him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised Him from the dead." (Colossians 2:12). Baptism without faith is meaningless. It meets the Lord's requirements on as it is an expression of the faith of the person being baptised.
(5) "Baptism is only a command."
To speak like this of baptism is to slight Christ, and dishonour His word. Can anything be more important to a faithful follower of Christ than a command of the Lord Jesus? Remember, it was "only a command" of God that Adam and Eve disobeyed, and the world was plunged into sin and death in consequence of that disobedience. Have you thought of the possible consequence of your disobedience to this command of Christ? WHY TARRIEST THOU?
(6) "I am a Christian, and have been for years, so I have no need to be baptised."
You are just the one who ought to be baptised. If you are a believer, then you OUGHT to be baptised because baptism is for believers. Baptism follows the acceptance of Christian teaching. Jesus told His disciples to "TEACH" then "BAPTISE."
(7) "The dying thief was never baptised. yet he was saved; therefore, I have no need to be baptised."
It is evidently true that the thief was not baptised, but we must remember that we cannot climb into the Kingdom of God on the back of a dying thief. There are some things I want to make plain to you:
(a) The dying thief could not be baptised while he was hanging on the cross.
Baptism is immersion. Sprinkling water on a person is a meaningless substitute that makes void the word of the Lord. The Lord never asks us to do the impossible, but when He asks us to do a thing, He expects us to do it.
The dying thief was debarred by circumstances over which he had no control, from the enjoyment of the privilege of Believer's Baptism.
(b) The dying thief was never asked to be baptised.
There is nothing to indicate that the subject was ever mentioned to him. If baptism had been possible, and the Lord had asked him to show his love and loyalty to Him by being baptised, do you think the dying thief would have refused his Lord this act of obedience and consecration?
(c) The Great Commission incorporating the command for the baptism of all who become disciples (viz., Matthew 28:19-20) was NOT GIVEN UNTIL AFTER THE DEATH AND RESURRECTION OF JESUS.
That was after the death of the thief on the cross, so it certainly did NOT apply to him, but it DOES apply to YOU. It applies to all who hear the Gospel. If we would come to the place of salvation and the blessings of Christ, we must come in the way of Christ, and that is the way of His will.
John's baptism was practised before the death of Christ, but it had a different significance from Christian baptism. WHY TARRIEST THOU?
(8) "I don't feel led to be baptised."
Perhaps not. It all depends on the church leader you are following. Many are not baptised because they do not quite understand the Lord's will in the matter. They have followed the leading of wrong teaching like that of infant sprinkling.
If your leader is CHRIST JESUS, He has given you the LEAD in this matter by giving the command. What further leading is necessary? The Holy Spirit never leads us contrary to the teaching of Christ and His inspired apostle's.
The means the Holy Spirit uses to guide and lead us is the WORD. "The sword is the word of God." To be led by the Spirit means following the direction indicated by the Holy Spirit in the inspired WORD.
(9) "l was baptised when an infant, so don't need to be baptised again."
If you really were baptised when you were an infant that was not Christian baptism, for Christian baptism is for BELIEVERS - not babies. There is absolutely no BIBLE authority for BABY BAPTISM. Indeed, what is generally called "infant baptism" is not baptism at all, but the "sprinkling" or "pouring" of a few drops of water on the child. This is done, we believe, with all sincerity by many earnest Christians, but it is nevertheless, a man-made custom; man's substitution for the ordinance that Christ instituted. A Scriptural baptism requires "MUCH WATER" (John 3:23). A going down INTO the water, coming UP OUT OF the water (Matthew 3:16; Mark 1:9-10; Acts 8:38-39). A BURIAL and rising again (Colossians 2:12; Romans 6:4-5).
Do not let man's substitution for a Scriptural ordinance prevent you enjoying the privilege of respecting the Lord's will in baptism. Even a child who is old enough to believe, and does believe that Jesus is his Saviour, is a fit and proper subject for Believer's Baptism. But the baptism of infants, and the innovation of "sponsors" or "godfathers" and "godmothers" is wrong, because it has a tendency to keep souls from doing the will of the Lord in the matter of THE baptism He has commanded. It is a serious thing for man to substitute something for what God requires.
"We should obey GOD rather than men." WHY TARRIEST THOU?
Remember that even John's baptism was so important to Christ that HE attended to it. Your Saviour is a BAPTISED SAVIOUR. The baptism that your Saviour desires you to observe should certainly be important to you. And this thought alone should be sufficient to bring you to the place of HIS will.
Indeed, if Jesus had not been baptised, He could not have been the Saviour of the world. Did you ever think of this? It was more than a "mere form" to Jesus Christ. Perhaps you think this is a rather startling statement. No baptism - no Saviour. Well, I say it for the following reasons: -
(a) God was the author of John's baptism. (Luke 20:4; John 1:6,13).
Christ believed it to be of God, and it would have been sin for HIM to have neglected His Father's will, in the light of the knowledge He had. If he sinned, He could not have saved sinners. To Christ, baptism was an act of consecration to the will of the Father. God blessed the act, and
anointed His Son with the Holy Spirit, and expressed His pleasure in Him. (Matthew 3:16-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22). Baptism was the means chosen by GOD by which the Messiah was to be made known or manifested to Israel (John 1:31: "Therefore am I come baptising with water.")
(b) Because it was a necessary act to the completion of righteousness.
"THUS", said Jesus, It becometh us to fulfill all righteousness." (Matthew 3:15). Now compare this statement with Luke 7:29-30: "And all the people that heard Him, and the publicans JUSTIFIED GOD (How?), being baptised with the baptism of John. But the Pharisees and lawyers REJECTED THE COUNSEL OF GOD AGAINST THEMSELVES (How?), being NOT baptised of him".
When Jesus was baptised He JUSTIFIED GOD. Baptism was an act of righteousness because it proved Christ's acceptance of the counsel of God. Supposing he had not been baptised, what then? Those who refused the baptism of John rejected the council of God against themselves.
If John's baptism was so important in the dispensation in which he lived, is not Christian Baptism as commanded by Christ as important in this Christian dispensation?
By a definite public act Jesus declares which side HE was on. He was on God's side, for He honoured God's will. He travelled nearly sixty miles to be baptised, because He knew how important it is to do God's will.
Now dear Friend, I have sought to make the truth very plain, and to proclaim the truth in love, I now leave the matter with you. It is for you to decide. Of course you want to be on Christ's side in all things, don't you? It is a privilege, not only a duty, to do His blessed will. Baptism is among the things we MUST DO, if we honour Him by obeying Him in all things
Darrel D. Malcom
Die redding wat deur Jesus aan die mens gebied word is ontvang deurgeloof in Hom (Romeine 1:16; Hand. 16:30,3). Dit is nie iets wat onskan verwerf of verdien nie maar is beskikbaar gemaak tot ons deur dieliefde en genade van God (Efesiërs 2:8,9). Ons enigste hoop is om teherken dat ons sondaars is, en dat deur Sy volmaakte lewe, dood vir onssonde en opstanding krag, Jesus het gekom om ons middelpunt van reddingte wees. Ons word gered deur geloof in Hom alleenlik te hê.
Maar geloof nodig 'n soort uitdrukking. Veronderstel die huis waarinu woon slaan aan die brand, jy sal gou verantwoordelik optree. Netsoook wanneer iemand vertroue in Jesus Christus sit en Hom sy lewe aanneem het (Johannes 1:12; Openbaring 3:20) wat nuut geloof gevind het isveronderstel om 'n uitdrukking in aksie te hê.
In die Nuwe Testament leer ons dat die vroeë gelowiges hulle geloofin Jesus uitgedruk, he eerste in bekering (Hand. 2:38; 26:20), in 'nbegeerte om te verander van hul lewe en gewoontes deur God te behaag.Hulle het hul geloof uitgedruk in woorde van ope belydenis (Rom. 10:10;Matt. 10:32,33) voor beide ander gelowiges endie werêld. Baie gou hethul ook hierdie geloof in die doop uitgedruk. (Hand 2:41; 8:36-39;16:31-341.
Die Nuwe Testament spreek meer as 100 keer van doop. Enig een waternstig oor Christen gehoorsaamheid is dit is nodig om Christen doop teverstaan. Nie elke Nuwe Testament verwysing is in dierdie studieingesluit nie ('n goeie ooreenstemming sal dit alles geel, maar hierdieis voldoende vir 'n basiese verstand.
Die gedrukte verse kan beter vertaal word deur dit te studeer in dieverband (die verse wat vooraf gaan en volg) on seker te wees van dieoorspronklike betekenis. Die gedrukte teus is uit die NuweInternasionele vertaling. Hierdie studie soek om te leer wat voorafgaandeChristendoop, wat die vorm enbetekenis van rlie aksie van doop, en wat was die resultate vanChristen doop.
Nou asseblief biddend studeer, antwoord elke vraag tot jou eietevredenheid, laat toe dat God jou leer deur Sy woord.
Matt. 3:13_17. Toe het Jesus van Galiléa na die Jordaan, naJohannes gekom om deur hom gedoop te word. Maar Johannes het Homernstig teë gegaan en gesê: "Ek het nodig om deur U gedoop te word, enkom U na my toe?" Maar Jesus het geantwoord en vir hom gesê: "Laat ditnou toe, want só pas dit ons om alle geregtigheid te vervul."
Daarnahet hy Hom toegelaat. En nadat Jesus gedoop was, het Hy dadelik uit diewater opgeklim, en meteens gaan die hemele vir Hom oop, en Hy sien dieGees van God soos 'n duif neerdaal en op Hom kom. En daar kom 'n stemuit die hemele wat sê: "Dit is my geliefde Seun in wie Ek ‘n welbehaehet." (Sien ook Markus 1:9-11; Lukas 3:21,32: Johannes 1:29-34).
Waarom het Jesus gesê Hy moes gedoopword?
Watter twee betekenis volle tekens gaan saam met die doop van Jesus?
Waarom dink jy dat Johannes in die Jordaan Rivier gedoop het? (SienJohannes 3:23).
Matthéüs 28:20. En Jesus het nader gekom en met hullegespreek en gesê: "Aan my is gegee alle mag in die hemel en op aarde.Gaan dan heen, maak dissipels van al die nasies, en doop hulle in dienaam van die vader en die Seun en die Heilige Gees; en leer hulle omalles te onderhou wat ek julle beveel het. En kyk, ek is met julle aldie dae tot aan die voleinding van die wêreld."
Onder wie se mag is die "groot opdrag" gegee?
Volgens hierdie vers, wat moet doop voorafgaan?
In wie se nam(e) moet die doop gedoen word?
Wat moet die doop van ‘n navolger volg?
Wat is die belofte vir iemand wat geglo en gedoop is?
Markus 16:15,16. En Hy het vir hulle gesê: "Gaan die helewêreld in en verkondig die evangelie aan die ganse mensdom. Hy wat gloen hom laat doop, sal gered word; maar hy wat nie glo nie, salveroordeel word."
Aan wie moet die evangelie boodskap verkondig word?
ln die orde van hierdie vers, wat moet die doop voorafgaan?
Watter waarskouwing is verbonde aan weiering om in Jesus te glo?
Wat is die belofte aan iemand wat beide geglo en gedoop is?
Hand. 2:36-41. (Petrus preek in gesê) "Laat dan die hele huisvan Israel sekerlik weet dat God Hom Here en Christus gemaak het,hierdie Jesus wat julle gekruisig het." Toe hulle dit hoor, is hullediep in die hart getref en het vir Petrus en die ander apostels gesê:"Wat moet ons doen broeders?" En Petrus sê vir hulle: "Bekeer julle, enlaat elkeen van julle gedoop word in die naam van Jesus Christus totvergewing van sondes, en julle sal die gawe van die Heilige Geesontvang. Want die belofte kom julle toe en julle kinders en almal watdaar ver is, die wat die Here onse God na Hom sal roep." En met baieander woorde het hy hulle besweer en vermaan en gesê: "Laat julle reduit hierdie verkeerde geslag." Die wat toe sy woord met blydskapaangeneem het, is gedoop; en daar is op die dag omtrent drie duisendsiele toegebring.
Wat moes die doop voorafgegaan het?
ln wie se naam moet hulle gedoop word?
Vir watter twee redes of versekerings was hulle beveel om gedoop teword?
Vir wie is die belofte gegee? Sluit dit jou ook in?
Hand. 8:5,12. (Sien Hand. 8:4-13). En Filippus het afgekom in'n stad van Samaria en Christus aan hulle verkondig maar toe hulleFilippus geglo het, wat die evangelie aangaande die koninkryk van Goden die naam van Jesus verkondig het, is hulle gedoop, manne sowel asvroue.
Wat was die boodskap wat aan die Samaritane gepreek was?
Na hulle die boodskap geglo het, wat die Samaritanse manne en vrouegedoen?
Hand. 8:34-39. (Sien Hand. 8:26-39). En die hofdienaarantwoord en sê vir Filippus: "Ek bid u, van wie sê die profeet dit, vanhomself of van iemand anders?" En Filippus het sy mond geopen en vanhierdie skrif af begin en die evangelie van Jesus aan hom verkondig enterwyl hulle voortreis op die pad, kom hulle by water, en diehofdienaar se vir hom: "Daar is water, wat verhinder my om gedoop teword?" Toe se Filippus: "As u glo met u hele hart, is dit geoorloof."En hy antwoord en sê: "Ek glo dat Jesus Christus die Seun van God is."En hy het beveel dat die wa moes stilhou; en hulle het altwee in diewater afgeklim, Filippus en die hofdienaar; en hy het hom gedoop. Entoe hulle uit die water opklim, het die Gees van die Here Filippusskielik weggevoer, en die hofdienaar het hom nie meer gesien nie, wanthy het sy weg met blydskap gereis.
Wat was die boodskap wat deur Pilippus gepreek was?
Hoe het die hofdienaar sy geloof in woorde uitgedruk?
Hoe het hy sy geloof in aksie uitgedruk?
Watter vorm van doop word in hierdie afdeling van skrif verduidelik?
Hoe het die hofdienaar gevoel na hy gedoop was?
Neem notisie dat die Gees aktief in hierdie ondervinding
(8:29), maar die gehoorsaamheid vsn die doop was "in water." Sienook Hand 10:44-48.
Hand. 16:29_34. (Sien ook Hand. 16:16-34). En toe hy liggevra het, spring hy na binne en val bewende voor Paulus en Silas neer.En hy het hulle nabuite gebring en gesê: "Menere wat moet ek doen omgered te word?" Toe sê hulle: "Glo in die Here Jesus Christus en jy salgered word, jy en jou huisgesin." En hulle het asn htim die woord vandie Here verkondig en aan almal wat in sy huis was. En in dieselfde uurvan die nag het hy hulle wonde gewas, en hy is onmiddellik gedoop, hyen al sy mense. Toe bring hy hulle in sy huis en sit hulle 'n maaltydvoor, en hy het hom verheug met sy hele huisgesin dat hy tot geloof inGod gekom het.
Wat het Paulus en Silas aan die tronkbewaarder vertel, to: hy gevrahet, "Wat moet ek doen om gered te word?
Watter boodskap was aan die tronkbewaarder eh sy gesin gegee?
Hoe het die tronkbewaarder bekering gewys ('n verandering van harten handeling) teenoor Paulus en Silas?
Wat was die rede vir die blydskap van die tronk bewaarder en sygesin?
Hoe gou was die tronkbewarder en sy gesin gedoop na hulle geglo het?
Hand. 22:10,16. Vergelyk met Hand. 9:1-19; 22:1-16; 26:9-20(Paulus vra aan Jesus) "Wat moet ek doen Here? Het ek, gevra." (Ananiasht aan Paulus gesê) "En nou, waarom versuim jy? Staan op, laat, joudoop en jou sondes afwas, terwyl jy die naam van die Here aanroep."
Wat was aan Paulus gesê om te doen?
Wat was die gevolg deur gedoop te word?
Wat word bedoel "deur sy naam" aanroep?
Romeine 6:3-7. Of weet julle nie dat ons "lmal wat in Christus Jesus gedoop is,in sy dood gedoop is nie? Ons is dus saam met begrawe deur die doop indie dood, sodat netsoos Christus uit die dode opgewek is deur dieheerlikheid van die Vader, ons ook so in 'n nuwe lewe kan wandel. Wantas ons met Hom saamgegroei het deur die gelykvormigheid migheid aan sydood, sal ons dit tog ook wees deur die' aan sy opstanding, aangesienons dit weet datons oue mens saam gekruisig is so dat die liggaam vandie sonde tot niet gemaak sou word en ons nie meer die sonde sou diennie Want hy wat gesterf het is geregverdig van die sonde.
Neem in ag dat die doop is "in sy dood" waar Jesus sy bloed gestorthet. Vergelyk die met Johannes 19:34; Kol. 1: 19,20; 1 Pet. 1:18,19.
Hoe in die vorm van doop verduidelik ons 'n begrafnis en 'nopstanding?
Neem in ag hoe goed onderdompeling van n persoon in water nodigheidhê vir 'n gelykenis van die dood, begrafnis en opstanding hier beskryweword
Kan jy aan enige ander vorm dink of handeling wat die gelukenis voorsien?
Kol. 2:12,13. Omdat julle saam met Hom begrawe is in diedoop, waarin julle ook saam opgewek is deur die geloof in die werkingvan God wat Hom uit die dode opgewek het. En julle wat dood was deurdie misdade en die onbesnedenheid van julle vlees, het hy saam met Homlewend gemaak deur dat hy julle al die misdade vergeef het.
Watter vorm van doop druk dit die beste uit "begrawe met Hom" en"opgewek met Hom"?
Wat word van ons sonde wanneer ons "lewend met Christus"?
(Neem in ag dat in doop ons "begrawe en opgewek is met Hom"; drukuit wat gebecur met ons geestelik julle was "dood in julle sonde" en"God het julle lewend gemaak in Christus" : Galasi*rs 3:27 (26_28)...Want julle almal wat in Christus gedoop is, het julle met Christusbeklee.
Wat is die belofte aan daardie "wie in Christus gedoop is"?
I Petrus 3:21. ...Waarvan die teë beeld die doop ons nou ookred, nie as 'n aflegging van die vuilheid van die vlees nie, maar as 'nbede tot God om 'n goeie gewete deur die opstanding van Jesus Christus.
Volgens hierdie versie, wat is die gevolg van doop?
Sou dit leer deur net hierdie vorm van doop te doen genoeg wees?Waarom of waarom nie?
As ons 'n skuldige gewete het om nie te doen wat ons behoort om tedoen, of om te doen wat ons weet is verkeerd, hoe sal ons ‘n "goeirgewete" hê? Hoe het dit betrekking tot dierdie versie?
HERDOOP: Hand. 19:3-5. (1-7) Em Hy vra hulle: "Met watterdoop is julle dan gedoop?" En hulle antwoord: "Met die doop vanJohannes". Daarop sê Paulus: "Johannes het met die doop van bekeringgedoop en aan die volk gesê dat hulle moes glo iri die een wat n'a homkom, dit is in Christus Jesus." En toe hulle dit hoor, is hulle gedoopin die naam van die Here Jesus.
Hierdie is die enigste geval van "herdoop" in die Nuwe Testament.Skynbaar was hierdie vorm van die vorige doop reg, maar dit was gedoenvir 'n verkeerde doel of betekenis.
Dui dit aan dat 'n persoon weer gedoop word as die vorm of rede hoehy gedoop was nie ooreen stem met die vereistes wat die skrifie aangeenie? Waarom of waarom nie?
Die Nuwe Testament was oorspronklik in Griekse taal geskryf. ‘Nstudie van die betekenis van woorde in die oorspronklike Grieks ishulpsaam om te verstaan wat Jesus en die apostels geleer het van diedoop.
Die Griekse woord vir "sprinkel" is ''rhantizo" (of 'n soort vormvan die werkwoord). Dit is gebruik in die Nuwe Testament vir sprinkelvan bloed en van as (Hebreërs 9:13,19, 20) maar nooit vlr doop.
Die Griekse woord vir "uitstort" is "cheo" (of n soort vorm van diewerkwoord). Dit is baie kere gebruik in die Nuwe Testament (Matt. 26:7- salf; Lukas 10:34 _ oilie en wyn; Hand: 2:17,18 - Die Gees; ens.)maar Nooit gebruik vir doop.
Die Griekse woord "baptisma" is die naamwoord vertaal "baptism" inonse Engelse vertalings. Dit beteken "die proses van oordompel,onderdompeling." Volgeris die Expository Woordeboek vanNuwe Testamentiese Woorde deur W.E. Vine. Die werkwoord vorm is"baptizo" wat van die Griekse. woord " bapto", beteken "om in te druk".W.E. Vine beskryf "baptizo"as "gebruik was tussen die Grieke on aan tedui die verkleurling van 'n kledingstuk. Seder dien Jesus en diedissipels het altyd die woord "onderdompel" of "indruk" gebruik wanneerhulle van doop, die vorm was verstaan deur die woord wat gebruik was indie oorspronklike taal.
'N patroon word gegee vir ons in die Nuwe Testament waarin elkepersoon wat in Jesus Christus geglo het as die Seun van God, hulle hethulle geloof uitgedruk in bekering of wegdraai van hul sonde (Hand.2:38; 26:20), deur openlik te bely hul geloof in Jesus Christus (Hand.8:37; Rom. 10:10), en in die aksie van Christen doop. Netsoos iemandbehoort die verlede af te sterf en om weergebore te word in JesusChristusr daar was die herinnering dat Jesus aan die kruis gesterf hetvir ons sonde, was begrawe in die graf, en opgestaan uit die dode. Dieaksie van Christen doop op sy beurt druk uitvoering tot die Jesus inbegeerte om te sterwe met Hom in sonde en in deling in opstanding uitdie water netsoos Jesus opgewek uit die dode. Die water was ook 'nherinnering van skoonmaak van waarna hulle gesoek het. Dit is die bloedvan Jesus Christus wat ons red van ons sonde (Mattheus 26:28) en na onsgedoop is in sy dood (Romeine 6:3) waar die bloed gestort het, doop iseen van die maniere hoe God die reinende bloed tot ons lewe toepas.
Hersien asseblief wat jy geleer he van hierdie skriflesings en kykof jy gedoop is soos die Newe Testament leer. Onthou dat Jesus onsbeveel het om te doop (Mattheus 28:19; Markus 16:16) en ook geleer het,as julle my lief het bewaar my gebooie (Johannes 14:15).
Darrel D. Malcom
Die redding wat deur Jesus aan die mens gebied word is ontvang deurgeloof in Hom (Romeine 1:16; Hand. 16:30,3). Dit is nie iets wat onskan verwerf of verdien nie maar is beskikbaar gemaak tot ons deur dieliefde en genade van God (Efesiërs 2:8,9). Ons enigste hoop is om teherken dat ons sondaars is, en dat deur Sy volmaakte lewe, dood vir onssonde en opstanding krag, Jesus het gekom om ons middelpunt van reddingte wees. Ons word gered deur geloof in Hom alleenlik te hê.
Maar geloof nodig 'n soort uitdrukking. Veronderstel die huis waarinu woon slaan aan die brand, jy sal gou verantwoordelik optree. Netsoook wanneer iemand vertroue in Jesus Christus sit en Hom sy lewe aanneem het (Johannes 1:12; Openbaring 3:20) wat nuut geloof gevind het isveronderstel om 'n uitdrukking in aksie te hê.
In die Nuwe Testament leer ons dat die vroeë gelowiges hulle geloofin Jesus uitgedruk, he eerste in bekering (Hand. 2:38; 26:20), in 'nbegeerte om te verander van hul lewe en gewoontes deur God te behaag.Hulle het hul geloof uitgedruk in woorde van ope belydenis (Rom. 10:10;Matt. 10:32,33) voor beide ander gelowiges endie werêld. Baie gou hethul ook hierdie geloof in die doop uitgedruk. (Hand 2:41; 8:36-39;16:31-341.
Die Nuwe Testament spreek meer as 100 keer van doop. Enig een waternstig oor Christen gehoorsaamheid is dit is nodig om Christen doop teverstaan. Nie elke Nuwe Testament verwysing is in dierdie studieingesluit nie ('n goeie ooreenstemming sal dit alles geel, maar hierdieis voldoende vir 'n basiese verstand.
Die gedrukte verse kan beter vertaal word deur dit te studeer in dieverband (die verse wat vooraf gaan en volg) on seker te wees van dieoorspronklike betekenis. Die gedrukte teus is uit die NuweInternasionele vertaling. Hierdie studie soek om te leer wat voorafgaandeChristendoop, wat die vorm enbetekenis van rlie aksie van doop, en wat was die resultate vanChristen doop.
Nou asseblief biddend studeer, antwoord elke vraag tot jou eietevredenheid, laat toe dat God jou leer deur Sy woord.
Matt. 3:13_17. Toe het Jesus van Galiléa na die Jordaan, naJohannes gekom om deur hom gedoop te word. Maar Johannes het Homernstig teë gegaan en gesê: "Ek het nodig om deur U gedoop te word, enkom U na my toe?" Maar Jesus het geantwoord en vir hom gesê: "Laat ditnou toe, want só pas dit ons om alle geregtigheid te vervul."
Daarnahet hy Hom toegelaat. En nadat Jesus gedoop was, het Hy dadelik uit diewater opgeklim, en meteens gaan die hemele vir Hom oop, en Hy sien dieGees van God soos 'n duif neerdaal en op Hom kom. En daar kom 'n stemuit die hemele wat sê: "Dit is my geliefde Seun in wie Ek ‘n welbehaehet." (Sien ook Markus 1:9-11; Lukas 3:21,32: Johannes 1:29-34).
Waarom het Jesus gesê Hy moes gedoopword?
Watter twee betekenis volle tekens gaan saam met die doop van Jesus?
Waarom dink jy dat Johannes in die Jordaan Rivier gedoop het? (SienJohannes 3:23).
Matthéüs 28:20. En Jesus het nader gekom en met hullegespreek en gesê: "Aan my is gegee alle mag in die hemel en op aarde.Gaan dan heen, maak dissipels van al die nasies, en doop hulle in dienaam van die vader en die Seun en die Heilige Gees; en leer hulle omalles te onderhou wat ek julle beveel het. En kyk, ek is met julle aldie dae tot aan die voleinding van die wêreld."
Onder wie se mag is die "groot opdrag" gegee?
Volgens hierdie vers, wat moet doop voorafgaan?
In wie se nam(e) moet die doop gedoen word?
Wat moet die doop van ‘n navolger volg?
Wat is die belofte vir iemand wat geglo en gedoop is?
Markus 16:15,16. En Hy het vir hulle gesê: "Gaan die helewêreld in en verkondig die evangelie aan die ganse mensdom. Hy wat gloen hom laat doop, sal gered word; maar hy wat nie glo nie, salveroordeel word."
Aan wie moet die evangelie boodskap verkondig word?
ln die orde van hierdie vers, wat moet die doop voorafgaan?
Watter waarskouwing is verbonde aan weiering om in Jesus te glo?
Wat is die belofte aan iemand wat beide geglo en gedoop is?
Hand. 2:36-41. (Petrus preek in gesê) "Laat dan die hele huisvan Israel sekerlik weet dat God Hom Here en Christus gemaak het,hierdie Jesus wat julle gekruisig het." Toe hulle dit hoor, is hullediep in die hart getref en het vir Petrus en die ander apostels gesê:"Wat moet ons doen broeders?" En Petrus sê vir hulle: "Bekeer julle, enlaat elkeen van julle gedoop word in die naam van Jesus Christus totvergewing van sondes, en julle sal die gawe van die Heilige Geesontvang. Want die belofte kom julle toe en julle kinders en almal watdaar ver is, die wat die Here onse God na Hom sal roep." En met baieander woorde het hy hulle besweer en vermaan en gesê: "Laat julle reduit hierdie verkeerde geslag." Die wat toe sy woord met blydskapaangeneem het, is gedoop; en daar is op die dag omtrent drie duisendsiele toegebring.
Wat moes die doop voorafgegaan het?
ln wie se naam moet hulle gedoop word?
Vir watter twee redes of versekerings was hulle beveel om gedoop teword?
Vir wie is die belofte gegee? Sluit dit jou ook in?
Hand. 8:5,12. (Sien Hand. 8:4-13). En Filippus het afgekom in'n stad van Samaria en Christus aan hulle verkondig maar toe hulleFilippus geglo het, wat die evangelie aangaande die koninkryk van Goden die naam van Jesus verkondig het, is hulle gedoop, manne sowel asvroue.
Wat was die boodskap wat aan die Samaritane gepreek was?
Na hulle die boodskap geglo het, wat die Samaritanse manne en vrouegedoen?
Hand. 8:34-39. (Sien Hand. 8:26-39). En die hofdienaarantwoord en sê vir Filippus: "Ek bid u, van wie sê die profeet dit, vanhomself of van iemand anders?" En Filippus het sy mond geopen en vanhierdie skrif af begin en die evangelie van Jesus aan hom verkondig enterwyl hulle voortreis op die pad, kom hulle by water, en diehofdienaar se vir hom: "Daar is water, wat verhinder my om gedoop teword?" Toe se Filippus: "As u glo met u hele hart, is dit geoorloof."En hy antwoord en sê: "Ek glo dat Jesus Christus die Seun van God is."En hy het beveel dat die wa moes stilhou; en hulle het altwee in diewater afgeklim, Filippus en die hofdienaar; en hy het hom gedoop. Entoe hulle uit die water opklim, het die Gees van die Here Filippusskielik weggevoer, en die hofdienaar het hom nie meer gesien nie, wanthy het sy weg met blydskap gereis.
Wat was die boodskap wat deur Pilippus gepreek was?
Hoe het die hofdienaar sy geloof in woorde uitgedruk?
Hoe het hy sy geloof in aksie uitgedruk?
Watter vorm van doop word in hierdie afdeling van skrif verduidelik?
Hoe het die hofdienaar gevoel na hy gedoop was?
Neem notisie dat die Gees aktief in hierdie ondervinding
(8:29), maar die gehoorsaamheid vsn die doop was "in water." Sienook Hand 10:44-48.
Hand. 16:29_34. (Sien ook Hand. 16:16-34). En toe hy liggevra het, spring hy na binne en val bewende voor Paulus en Silas neer.En hy het hulle nabuite gebring en gesê: "Menere wat moet ek doen omgered te word?" Toe sê hulle: "Glo in die Here Jesus Christus en jy salgered word, jy en jou huisgesin." En hulle het asn htim die woord vandie Here verkondig en aan almal wat in sy huis was. En in dieselfde uurvan die nag het hy hulle wonde gewas, en hy is onmiddellik gedoop, hyen al sy mense. Toe bring hy hulle in sy huis en sit hulle 'n maaltydvoor, en hy het hom verheug met sy hele huisgesin dat hy tot geloof inGod gekom het.
Wat het Paulus en Silas aan die tronkbewaarder vertel, to: hy gevrahet, "Wat moet ek doen om gered te word?
Watter boodskap was aan die tronkbewaarder eh sy gesin gegee?
Hoe het die tronkbewaarder bekering gewys ('n verandering van harten handeling) teenoor Paulus en Silas?
Wat was die rede vir die blydskap van die tronk bewaarder en sygesin?
Hoe gou was die tronkbewarder en sy gesin gedoop na hulle geglo het?
Hand. 22:10,16. Vergelyk met Hand. 9:1-19; 22:1-16; 26:9-20(Paulus vra aan Jesus) "Wat moet ek doen Here? Het ek, gevra." (Ananiasht aan Paulus gesê) "En nou, waarom versuim jy? Staan op, laat, joudoop en jou sondes afwas, terwyl jy die naam van die Here aanroep."
Wat was aan Paulus gesê om te doen?
Wat was die gevolg deur gedoop te word?
Wat word bedoel "deur sy naam" aanroep?
Romeine 6:3-7. Of weet julle nie dat ons "lmal wat in Christus Jesus gedoop is,in sy dood gedoop is nie? Ons is dus saam met begrawe deur die doop indie dood, sodat netsoos Christus uit die dode opgewek is deur dieheerlikheid van die Vader, ons ook so in 'n nuwe lewe kan wandel. Wantas ons met Hom saamgegroei het deur die gelykvormigheid migheid aan sydood, sal ons dit tog ook wees deur die' aan sy opstanding, aangesienons dit weet datons oue mens saam gekruisig is so dat die liggaam vandie sonde tot niet gemaak sou word en ons nie meer die sonde sou diennie Want hy wat gesterf het is geregverdig van die sonde.
Neem in ag dat die doop is "in sy dood" waar Jesus sy bloed gestorthet. Vergelyk die met Johannes 19:34; Kol. 1: 19,20; 1 Pet. 1:18,19.
Hoe in die vorm van doop verduidelik ons 'n begrafnis en 'nopstanding?
Neem in ag hoe goed onderdompeling van n persoon in water nodigheidhê vir 'n gelykenis van die dood, begrafnis en opstanding hier beskryweword
Kan jy aan enige ander vorm dink of handeling wat die gelukenis voorsien?
Kol. 2:12,13. Omdat julle saam met Hom begrawe is in diedoop, waarin julle ook saam opgewek is deur die geloof in die werkingvan God wat Hom uit die dode opgewek het. En julle wat dood was deurdie misdade en die onbesnedenheid van julle vlees, het hy saam met Homlewend gemaak deur dat hy julle al die misdade vergeef het.
Watter vorm van doop druk dit die beste uit "begrawe met Hom" en"opgewek met Hom"?
Wat word van ons sonde wanneer ons "lewend met Christus"?
(Neem in ag dat in doop ons "begrawe en opgewek is met Hom"; drukuit wat gebecur met ons geestelik julle was "dood in julle sonde" en"God het julle lewend gemaak in Christus" : Galasi*rs 3:27 (26_28)...Want julle almal wat in Christus gedoop is, het julle met Christusbeklee.
Wat is die belofte aan daardie "wie in Christus gedoop is"?
I Petrus 3:21. ...Waarvan die teë beeld die doop ons nou ookred, nie as 'n aflegging van die vuilheid van die vlees nie, maar as 'nbede tot God om 'n goeie gewete deur die opstanding van Jesus Christus.
Volgens hierdie versie, wat is die gevolg van doop?
Sou dit leer deur net hierdie vorm van doop te doen genoeg wees?Waarom of waarom nie?
As ons 'n skuldige gewete het om nie te doen wat ons behoort om tedoen, of om te doen wat ons weet is verkeerd, hoe sal ons ‘n "goeirgewete" hê? Hoe het dit betrekking tot dierdie versie?
HERDOOP: Hand. 19:3-5. (1-7) Em Hy vra hulle: "Met watterdoop is julle dan gedoop?" En hulle antwoord: "Met die doop vanJohannes". Daarop sê Paulus: "Johannes het met die doop van bekeringgedoop en aan die volk gesê dat hulle moes glo iri die een wat n'a homkom, dit is in Christus Jesus." En toe hulle dit hoor, is hulle gedoopin die naam van die Here Jesus.
Hierdie is die enigste geval van "herdoop" in die Nuwe Testament.Skynbaar was hierdie vorm van die vorige doop reg, maar dit was gedoenvir 'n verkeerde doel of betekenis.
Dui dit aan dat 'n persoon weer gedoop word as die vorm of rede hoehy gedoop was nie ooreen stem met die vereistes wat die skrifie aangeenie? Waarom of waarom nie?
Die Nuwe Testament was oorspronklik in Griekse taal geskryf. ‘Nstudie van die betekenis van woorde in die oorspronklike Grieks ishulpsaam om te verstaan wat Jesus en die apostels geleer het van diedoop.
Die Griekse woord vir "sprinkel" is ''rhantizo" (of 'n soort vormvan die werkwoord). Dit is gebruik in die Nuwe Testament vir sprinkelvan bloed en van as (Hebreërs 9:13,19, 20) maar nooit vlr doop.
Die Griekse woord vir "uitstort" is "cheo" (of n soort vorm van diewerkwoord). Dit is baie kere gebruik in die Nuwe Testament (Matt. 26:7- salf; Lukas 10:34 _ oilie en wyn; Hand: 2:17,18 - Die Gees; ens.)maar Nooit gebruik vir doop.
Die Griekse woord "baptisma" is die naamwoord vertaal "baptism" inonse Engelse vertalings. Dit beteken "die proses van oordompel,onderdompeling." Volgeris die Expository Woordeboek vanNuwe Testamentiese Woorde deur W.E. Vine. Die werkwoord vorm is"baptizo" wat van die Griekse. woord " bapto", beteken "om in te druk".W.E. Vine beskryf "baptizo"as "gebruik was tussen die Grieke on aan tedui die verkleurling van 'n kledingstuk. Seder dien Jesus en diedissipels het altyd die woord "onderdompel" of "indruk" gebruik wanneerhulle van doop, die vorm was verstaan deur die woord wat gebruik was indie oorspronklike taal.
'N patroon word gegee vir ons in die Nuwe Testament waarin elkepersoon wat in Jesus Christus geglo het as die Seun van God, hulle hethulle geloof uitgedruk in bekering of wegdraai van hul sonde (Hand.2:38; 26:20), deur openlik te bely hul geloof in Jesus Christus (Hand.8:37; Rom. 10:10), en in die aksie van Christen doop. Netsoos iemandbehoort die verlede af te sterf en om weergebore te word in JesusChristusr daar was die herinnering dat Jesus aan die kruis gesterf hetvir ons sonde, was begrawe in die graf, en opgestaan uit die dode. Dieaksie van Christen doop op sy beurt druk uitvoering tot die Jesus inbegeerte om te sterwe met Hom in sonde en in deling in opstanding uitdie water netsoos Jesus opgewek uit die dode. Die water was ook 'nherinnering van skoonmaak van waarna hulle gesoek het. Dit is die bloedvan Jesus Christus wat ons red van ons sonde (Mattheus 26:28) en na onsgedoop is in sy dood (Romeine 6:3) waar die bloed gestort het, doop iseen van die maniere hoe God die reinende bloed tot ons lewe toepas.
Hersien asseblief wat jy geleer he van hierdie skriflesings en kykof jy gedoop is soos die Newe Testament leer. Onthou dat Jesus onsbeveel het om te doop (Mattheus 28:19; Markus 16:16) en ook geleer het,as julle my lief het bewaar my gebooie (Johannes 14:15).

Time: Pentecost, A.D. 34, Acts 2:1
Place: Jerusalem, Acts 2:5
Founder: Christ, Matthew 16:18
Time: Pentecost
1. Acts 2:1 "And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place."
A. This was the first Pentecost celebration following the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.
B. Many Jews remained in Jerusalem after the Passover celebrations until after Pentecost as well.
C. Many of those present had cried out for Christ to be crucified.
Place: Jerusalem
2. Acts 2:5 "And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven."
A. The church began in Jerusalem.
B. The first converts were devout Jews.
C. These Jews had come on pilgrimages from all over the known world.
D. Many of them would return to their homelands to share the good news of Christ.
Founder: Christ
3. Matthew 16:18 "And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
A. Christ had promised to built his church.
B. There would be many others, not of him.
C. Satan will certainly try to see it destroyed.
D. He who adds to his church, will protect it from destruction.
Foundation: Matthew 16:18; I Corinthians 3:11; Ephesians 2:19,20
4. Matthew 16:16 "And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ the Son of the living God."
A. Peter spoke for all the apostles of their belief that Jesus is the Son of God.
B. This fact forms the very basic foundation upon which the church is built.
C. This confession of faith is basic to salvation.
5. Matthew 16:18 "And I say unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church."
A. Jesus contrasted unstable Peter with the solid "Rock" of his Lordship.
B. In saying "will build" he also indicated that it was not yet established.
6. 1 Corinthians 3:11 "For other foundation can no man lay than what is laid, which is Christ Jesus."
A. Churches have been established upon all manner of "creeds" and foundations.
B. They often honor their human founders.
C. Christ’s church is founded firmly upon his being the Son of God.
7. Ephesians 2:19-22 "Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God; and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone; In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: In whom ye also are builded together for an inhabitation of God through the Spirit."
8. Preaching - Acts 2:14 "But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, Ye men of Judaea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words:"
A. Peter is making use of the fact that he "had the keys", or was to be the one used to establish the church.
B. He did this by being the chief spokesman and presenter of the good news.
C. As the scriptures ask in another place, "How shall they hear without a preacher?"
9. Hearing - Acts 2:37 "Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and the rest of the apostles ...."
A. Hearing is essential for there to be a conversion.
B. Unless one hears the message he can not make a decision concerning it.
10. Believing - Acts 2:41 "Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls."
A. There were about 3000 who heard, believed, repented and were baptized at Pentecost.
B. All who hear the message of Christ make some sort of decision. It may be "no", or "not now", or "yes", but a decision has been made. The hearer has started a pattern, the "no" may become "yes" at a later hearing, but the "not now" may be a pattern that he will never change!
11. Repentance - Acts 2:38 "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."
A. Sincere belief, calls for an action.
B. Note that it is linked to baptism by "and."
12. Confession - Romans 10:9,10 "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
A. Confession is an expression of our faith with the mouth.
13. Baptism - Acts 2:38 "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
A. Only baptism, the physical expression of faith, is linked to the promise "for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
B. Note that these people at Pentecost had already heard, believed, and apparently repented for they cried out "what shall we do?" Only after they were baptized were they promised the remission of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit!
The results of doing all these things are that:
14. You are justified - Romans 5:1 "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into his grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God."
15. You are sanctified - Acts 26:18 "To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me."
16. You are forgiven - I John 2:12 "I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name’s sake."
17. You are reconciled to God - Romans 5:10,11 "For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life, and not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement."
18. You are redeemed - Titus 2:13,14 "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works."
19. You are adopted into His family - Galatians 4:4-7 "But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ."
20. You are saved - Titus 3:5 "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost.
21. And you receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. - Acts 2:38 "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."
A. The Holy Spirit dwells within the Christian an ever present help and guide that he need not sin and slip back to the old ways and even worse circumstances.
B. He is the gift of God to the born again Christian, born of the water and of the Spirit.
22. John 3:5 "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."
A. Have you been "born of water and of the Spirit"?
1. Ephesians 1:20-23 "Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all."
A. Christ has reserved the position of head over the church for himself.
B. There is no earthly headquarters of the church in the Bible.
2. All Authority - Matthew 28:18 "And Jesus came and spake unto them saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and on earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world."
A. The primary purpose of the church is to "teach" and "baptize".
B. This is a command from our Lord, not a request.
3. Hear ye him - Matthew 17:5 "While he yet spake, behold a bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him."
A. God Himself has endorsed Christ's claim of authority, saying "Hear ye Him."
4. Evangelists - Ephesians 4:11,12 "And he gave some, apostles; and some prophets, and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:"
A. Evangelists, pastors, and teachers are servants of the Lord using their special talents in his work.
B. Their's is described as a "work of the ministry"
C. That the Church, the body of Christ, might be blessed.
5. Elders - I Timothy 3:1-7 "This is a true saying, if a man desire the office of a bishop, (elder), he desireth a good work."
A. The elder, bishop, pastor, or shepherd, all referring to the same office, has a Spiritual responsibility to lead the church aright.Note the experience, and the spiritual qualifications in these verses, as well as the leadership qualities and teaching abilities which are included.
B. This is not a work for a new convert, or a novice.
6. Deacons - I Timothy 3:8-13 "Likewise must the deacons be grave, not double tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre;"
A. The deacons are to have basically the same spiritual qualifications.
B. But, there is nothing said about teaching abilities, this is not to say that they will not be teachers, both Stephen and Phillip were deacons, in addition to being successful teachers and evangelists..
Members of the church:
7. Baptized Believers - Mark 16:16 "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned."
A. Clearly all members of the church will be baptized believers.
8. Acts 2:41 "Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls, and they continued steadfastly in the apostle's doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers."
A. At Pentecost, there were people of all languages and backgrounds, but they had in common the fact that they all believed the word and were baptized for the remission of their sins. Scripture calls this being "born again."
9. Acts 2:47 "Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved."
A. The Lord, the head of the church, did the adding, and He still does this today.
B. Don't be concerned about "hypocrites" in the church. The Lord knows, he does the adding, and he will separate the sheep from the goats at the final judgement.
C. The original Greek text in this verse says "were being saved"and not "should be saved." This verse does not endorse the theory of predestination.
10. Galatians 3:27 "For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
A. The church is the body of Christ. One is baptized "into Christ" or "puts on Christ"
B. The church is blind to national or ethnic identities which are only of this world.
11. Congregational - Acts 6:3,4 "Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business, but we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word."
A. When a specific need arose, the church selected spiritual men to handle the task.
12. Acts 13:1-3 "And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away."
A. The church "fasted and prayed" and sent them to their work.
13. Acts 14:23 "And when they had ordained them elders in every church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord, on whom they believed."
14. II Corinthians 8:19 "And not that only, but who was also chosen of the churches to travel with us with this grace, which is administered by us to the glory of the same Lord, and declaration of your ready mind:"
The worship of the church:
15. Acts 2:42 "And they continued steadfastly in the apostle's doctrine and in fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers."
A. After the basic pattern of the Synagogue worship, there were four elements of worship in the church.
1. "Apostle's Doctrine"
2. "Fellowship"
3. "Breaking of Bread"
4. "Prayer"
B. To leave any of these out does not fulfil the needs of the "body" and the individual Christian.
16. Acts 20:7 "And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight."
A. The church had regular assembly to fulfil their needs.
B. They met on the "first day of the week." called the "Lord's Day" in Revelation 1:10.
17. Acts 4:32 "And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common."
A. There was a multitude of believers by this time.
B. They were or one heart and soul.
C. They were concerned for the needs of one another.
18. Ephesians 4:2-6 "With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, and one Spirit, even as we are called in one hope of our calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all."
19. Division is sinful - Romans 16:17,18 "Now I beseech you brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that serve not our Lord Jesus Christ are such, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple."
20. I Corinthians 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgement."
1. Church of God - I Corinthians 1:2 "Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the Lord, both theirs and ours:"
A. Clearly this is a description rather than a proper name.
2. Church of the firstborn - Hebrews 12:23 "Unto the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect."
A. Again this is more of a description than a proper name.
B. Of interest, note that their names are "written in heaven".
3. Body of Christ - I Corinthians 12:27 "Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular."
A. Again it is a descriptive term.
B. But note that the body is one with the head, Christ.
C. The name must honor the head, not another.
4. Church of Christ - Romans 16:16 "Salute one another with an holy kiss, the churches of Christ salute you."
A. Here again it is descriptive.
B. But it also bears the name of Christ, and honours him.
C. This is really the nearest to a proper name to be found in the Bible.
The name used for individual members of the church:
5. Disciples - Acts 6:1 "And in those days, when the number of disciples was multiplied, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration."
A. A disciple is a learner. This term was often used of followers of the way.
6. Saints - Acts 9:13 "Then Ananias answered, Lord, I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done to thy saints at Jerusalem.
A. Many people think of being a saint as something unattainable.
B. The Bible speaks of all Christians as being saints.
7. Brethren - Acts 6:3 "Therefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report ..."
8. Christians - Acts 11:26 "And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch."
The creed of the church is Jesus Christ: (belief)
1. II Timothy 1:12,13 "For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for
I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus."
2. Preached Christ - Acts 8:5 "Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and preached Christ unto them."
3. Acts 8:35 "Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus."
4. Acts 2:22 "Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you , as ye yourselves also know. Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands and have crucified and slain: Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death:"
5. Acts 4:12 "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."
6. They believed in Christ - Acts 4:12 "But when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women."
7. They confessed Christ - Matthew 16:16 "And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
8. John 1:49 "Nathaniel answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel."
The New Testament:
1. The only Rule of Faith and Practice - Galatians 6:16 "And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God."
2. Philippians 3:16 "Nevertheless, whereunto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us mind the same thing."
3. II Timothy 3:16,17 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works."
4. Human Disciplines are not of God - Matthew 15:9 "But in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men ."
5. Galatians 1:8 "But though we or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed."
6. Galatians 1:9 "As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed."
1. Set Apart - John 20:19, 26 "Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and said unto them, Peace be unto you." and "And after eight days, again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you."
A. In addition to arising on the first day of the week, Jesus chose the first day of the week to appear to His disciples on two occasions.
2. Claimed - Revelation 1:10 "I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,"
A. John, during his exile to Patmos habitually set aside the first day of the week as time for prayer and meditation.
B. This "first day of the week" is here spoken of as "the Lord’s Day."
3. Observed - Acts 20:7 "And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight."
A. Paul knew that the church would gather on the first day of the week for the purpose of observing the Lord’s Table, Communion.
B. He wait until that time in order to speak to the whole group which would be at one place.
4. I Corinthians 16:2 "Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come."
A. The Corinthians are here instructed to "lay by in store" their offerings for the poor in Jerusalem.
B. This became the custom for all offerings to be set aside.
The Lord’s Supper:
1. A Memorial - Luke 22:19,20 "And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave it unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you this do in remembrance of me, likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you."
A. Christ, himself, established this "memorial of His death" before it even came to be.
B. He used the food on the table at the Passover feast, to give them a new meaning for Christians.
C. The bread, representative of His body, was broken, remembering that His body was broken at Calvary.
D. The "fruit of the vine", was representative of his blood which was shed for the forgiveness of our sins.
2. Participation - I Corinthians 10:16 "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?"
3. Unity - I Corinthians 10:17"For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread."
A. The communion service draws together all Christians.
B. All Christians are a part of the body of the Lord, thus are one in Him.
4. Proclamation - I Corinthians 11:26 "For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come."
A. We remind ourselves.
B. We witness to those outside of His death for all mankind.
5. Lifegiving - I Corinthians 11:28-30 "But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep."
A. This is a time for self examination.
B. To renew our faith.
C. To know that to neglect or abuse the service brings condemnation.
D. It is not meant for non-Christians.
The Lord’s Baptism:
1. The Subject - Mark 16:16 " He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned."
A. Baptism is as necessary to salvation as is faith.
B. A non-believer is not a suitable candidate for baptism.
C. Child, or adult it will have no meaning.
2. Acts 8:12 "But when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women."
A. The natural result if belief is to obey in baptism.
3. Acts 8:37 "And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God."
A. The one question Philip asked was if he believed.
B. These words express one’s belief.
"That Jesus is the Christ the Son of God."
4. Action - Romans 6:4,5 "Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection."
A. Baptism pictures our burial with Christ.
B. And our being planted with Him.
C. Which result in the beginning of our new life in Christ.
5. Colossians 2:12 "Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead."
A. Even as Christ was raised from the dead, we too are risen to a new life in Him.
6. Acts 8:38,39 "And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him. And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing."
A. The baptism of the Ethiopian, graphically pictures the "water and the Spirit" of John 3:5, the confession of faith, the burial and resurrection, and the joy in the Lord.
7. Design - Acts 2:38 "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."
A. The baptisms at Pentecost clearly show the immersion in water of a repentant believer, for the remission of sins, and the gift of the Spirit.
No Additions! - No Subtractions! - No Substitutions!
8. Deuteronomy 4:2 "Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you."
A. God forbade tampering with His commands under the Law.
9. Revelation 22:18 "If any man shall add to these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
A. And again also under the Grace of the New Testament He forbade adding tp His commands.
B. To add the books of men, and consider them as binding as those of God, regardless of what source, or to consider the commands of God to be of little or no importance, are equally sinful and will be punished.
10. Galatians 1:8 "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed."
11. Revelation 22:19 "And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."
The Purpose of the church:
Preach the Gospel:
1. Mark 16:15 "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
Make Disciples:
2. Matthew 28:19 "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:"
3. Matthew 28:20 "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world."
All Nations:
4. Luke 24:46,47 "Thus it is written, and thus it behoveth Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all the nations, beginning at Jerusalem."
Commit to Faithful Men:
5. II Timothy 2:2 "And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also."
6. Matthew 9:37,38 "Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest."
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